Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Are Closer To Their Dream Lives Than They Imagine


I know it seems bonkers, Sag, to imagine, no, believe that the thing you want most is just around the corner, but it is. And the sooner you accept that possibility, or any possibility other than the worst case scenario you cling to as a coping mechanism, the sooner you can start acting like a person who wants good things in their life. Relationships. Careers. Experiences worth cherishing. Healthy communication with friends, family, and loved ones. All you have to do is stop shooting yourself in the foot by pretending not to care or making a joke out of everything. Life is just as grand and dazzling as you hope it can be. You just need to take your seat at the adult’s table. 


It feels like someone is eternally dangling that carrot in front of your Scorpio. Just a little more, a little longer, a little harder work on your end, and then, only then the prize will be yours. This feeling of being perpetually strung along has you feeling more jaded than ever, and you are moments away from throwing in the towel. But what if everyone was telling the truth? What if you have taken all the necessary steps thus far to achieve your goal, and all that’s left to do is cross the finish line? Can you imagine running twenty-six miles and not getting credit for the marathon because you refused to finish the .2 miles remaining? Don’t let the easy part keep you from celebrating the whole ordeal.


You’ve been in your emo era, Gemini, and you’ve started to enjoy it. The cynicism. The bleak, dark, dry sense of humor you think has aged like a fine wine and everyone else thinks has gone sour. Ironically, the things you wanted most in your innocent, doe-eyed phase are lying in wait nearby. You only need to adjust your field of vision to see them for what they are. Amazing treasures in the hedge-maze of complicated responsibilities and emotions we call adult life. Just because nothing is as easy as we hoped doesn’t mean it can’t be a reality for us. After all your disappointment, you will appreciate it that much more. Realism is the ability to see things for their flaws and their perfection at the same time.


You don’t have to hold down the fort for everyone, Cancer. Just because others are struggling doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to all of the beautiful things life has brought your way. You don’t have to be embarrassed or feel guilty or pretend you don’t deserve what you have the right to enjoy. Bask in how easy, how healthy, how stable things are right now. They are the direct result of your choices, your inner moral compass, and your fortitude as an individual. You didn’t settle, and being happier than those who did isn’t a crime. You are entitled to the spoils of this victory. When you build the house yourself, brick by brick, you, and only you are the one meant to live in it.