Thought Catalog Agency

Horoscope For Today: Sunday, December 31, 2023

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It’s New Year’s Eve, the moon is in glamorous Leo, and Venus has finally ingressed from moody Scorpio to free-spirited and reckless Sagittarius. Can you think of a better opportunity to get drunk and kiss strangers at midnight?

It’s a pretty excellent night to close the curtain on a crazy year, with transits that lend themselves positively to partying, socializing, and wearing lots of glitter. If this New Year’s had an aesthetic, it would be your nightluxe moodboard on Pinterest come to life.

It’s not quite perfect, though. Mercury isn’t direct until tomorrow, so there are bound to be some misunderstandings tonight. Especially with the drinks flowing freely, we should all be cautious and try not to be too loose-lipped.

However, with the expansive luck-bringer Jupiter now direct, it is a largely positive energy under which to celebrate our good fortune going into 2024. How will your final day of 2023 go? Read the forecast for your rising sign and get excited.


The moon and Venus are both in fire signs, forming a trine to your ascendant that puts the spotlight squarely on you tonight. The moon in your fifth house of fun, pleasure, and sensuality will put in the mood to get dressed up and take Instagram-worthy pictures, while Venus in your ninth house of foreign lands and cultural differences offers the potential to meet a handsome stranger whose background is a little different from your own. You could meet someone whose unusual perspective has you itching to see more of the world. If you aren’t too careful, you might find yourself booking a trip abroad by the end of the night. Don’t get carried away by the magic of the moment.


With the moon in your fourth house, you might be tempted to stay in tonight—but it’s a perfect opportunity to throw an impromptu house party. Keep it casual and lowkey, just like you always do, and you’ll find yourself having lots of fun in no time. Venus in your eighth house of taboo heightens the potential for meeting a mysterious stranger or bonding more intimately with your existing partner. You’ll feel very open-minded, open-hearted, and voluntarily vulnerable when sharing secrets with your friends and loved ones tonight. Pop the champagne and play We’re Not Really Strangers while you wait for the ball to drop.


The moon in your third house helps create the ideal circumstances for a small, exclusive, local get-together. If you aren’t feeling like throwing a huge party or going out tonight, you can still gather all your closest hometown friends, turn up the nostalgic music, and have your own “’tis the damn season” moment. After all, Venus in your seventh house is going to draw in potential lovers, whether you’re looking or not. You might be pleasantly taken aback by your attraction to a friend-of-a-friend or experience new and exciting feelings or someone you never thought twice about back in high school. Even if you’re typically in your head about relationships and not super into the casual dating scene, this is the one night of the year that you might regret not putting yourself out there.


You’ll be spending money like crazy tonight, with Leo lighting up your second house—but it’s likely to be worth it, because the stars are aligned for a great night, whether you stay in or go out. Try not to be resentful if your friends aren’t quite as willing to foot the bill. You’re more than likely going to be the one buying everyone extra shots tonight. However, Venus situated in your sixth house suggests you might make healthier choices for yourself—so if you’ve been sober-curious this year, you might wake up tomorrow morning with the motivation to commit to Dry January. Encourage your friends to try it with you.


You’re always charismatic and full of life, but tonight your magnetism will be difficult to deny, with the moon hanging out in your first house of physical appearance. Wear your favorite dress and take lots of photos with your friends to document the night, because it’s likely to be one you’ll remember fondly for years to come. Venus in your fifth house of creativity, pleasure, and short-term affairs makes it a golden opportunity to flirt, meet new people, and let your hair down. You’re unlikely to meet the one tonight, but you’re not really focused on that anyway; you’re just looking to make the most of the night.


The moon in your twelfth house of introspection might make you feel moody and avoidant tonight, and Venus in your fourth house will make you want to stay in rather than go out. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Some of us get more out of small, intimate gatherings than wild, lavish affairs—and this New Year’s Eve seems to be less about the thrill and more about the thoughts. It’s a quiet and reflective time for you. Round up your most exclusive roster of friends, have a few drinks, and toast to the achievements you’ve made this year. If you want to go to bed early with your dog and your weighted blanket, don’t deny yourself the simple pleasure. We won’t tell anyone.


You have a tendency to light up every room you walk in, but with the moon in your eleventh house of friendship tonight, you’ll be especially eager to take on a leadership role. Book the reservations at your friends’ favorite wine bar early and make sure everyone knows the dress code. Your squad will be grateful that you were the one to take charge and organize a fun night. Venus in your third house increases the potential to meet someone new in your neighborhood or through your siblings. If you’re still at home for the holidays, you might have a meet-cute with an old high school crush—or run into an ex. Remember, Mercury retrograde tends to bring them back.


Whether you want it or not, you’ll be the center of attention tonight. The moon is firmly situated in your tenth house, drawing lots of notoriety to you. You might encounter influential people or your New Year’s TikTok with your best friend might go unexpectedly viral. Furthermore, with Venus in your second house, it’s possible you’ll get some financial incentive for your popularity. Accept the free drinks or say yes to the brand deal. And if you meet someone you’re interested in, don’t dismiss them if they seem down to earth. They might be hiding an impressive net worth.


The moon in your ninth house tonight will make you eager to cross state—or country—lines. If you have the opportunity to get out of Dodge, follow your instincts. You’re likely to have interesting, thought-provoking conversations about spirituality and culture with the people you meet tonight, and with Venus lighting up your first house, you’ll be feeling yourself, too. Do a wild, daring makeup look and wear something you normally wouldn’t. You’ll receive a positive response.


The moon in your dark and mysterious eighth house will draw others to you who are struggling, so you might find yourself playing the role of agony aunt all night. It’s unlikely you’ll find this annoying, though, with Venus firmly situated in your twelfth house of secrets. You’ll be in the right state of mind to hold space for vulnerable people and their problems. Your friends might spend the night on the dance floor, but you’re likely to be hanging out in the booth talking a stranger through their breakup.


If you’re partnered, your attention will be on your boyfriend or girlfriend tonight—the moon is in your seventh house, putting all the focus on them instead of you. But you’ll inevitably be drawn into their exciting circle, perhaps meeting new friends thanks to their lively social personality. If you’re single, this could be the night you meet someone you feel an instant connection with. Venus in your eleventh house further emphasizes the potential for friends to become lovers. Don’t skip out on the small talk. Let people introduce themselves and give everyone a chance to charm you.


The moon in your sixth house of duty will keep you on track, perhaps counting the calories in your cocktails or grabbing your drunk friends water. You’ll play the role of mom friend tonight, but you’ll appreciate this chance to show off your loving and nurturing side. All of this long-suffering responsibility won’t go unnoticed, either; a certain someone is likely to spot you doing the right thing and applaud you for it. Venus in your tenth house will place you directly in view of the right people who will celebrate your unique talents, kindness, and beauty. If you’re single, you’ll probably leave with someone’s number tonight. If you’re already happily partnered, they will more than likely see you in a new light.