4 Zodiacs Who Have Been Struggling To Stay Positive This December
Megan Ruth Photography

4 Zodiacs Who Have Been Struggling To Stay Positive This December

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist because everyone is going to have their negativity come out every once in a while. You can’t be happy and cheery all the time, and that’s okay. But the pain you’re feeling isn’t going to last forever. You are going to be okay again soon. Here are the zodiacs who have been struggling to stay positive this December:


You have been struggling to stay positive this December, which has been extra frustrating since it’s the holiday season. You feel like you’re supposed to be in a good mood around this time of year, which makes your bad mood feel even worse. But you can’t help the way that you feel. You are allowed to be down in the dumps. You are allowed to shed tears. It doesn’t matter how everyone else is feeling right now. Your feelings are still valid. Your feelings deserve to be expressed. Don’t push them away. Don’t pretend everything is fine in order to avoid bothering your family and friends. Be honest about what you’re experiencing. Acceptance is the first step toward healing.


You have been struggling to stay positive lately because you feel like everything keeps going wrong. You feel like you keep getting new problems dropped onto your lap every single day. Since life has been a roller coaster lately, you don’t want to get your hopes up, only to have them come crashing down again. But you need to remember that history isn’t destined to repeat itself. There’s a chance everything could work out this time around. Don’t convince yourself that you’re a failure, or that you’re never going to achieve your dream life, because as long as you’re still breathing, there’s still a chance to change things. Don’t give up on yourself. You can get through this.


You have been struggling to stay positive, which is unusual for you because you’re usually the most optimistic person in the room. You’re not used to feeling this way, so you’re not sure how to handle these intense feelings. And since you don’t want to bring anyone else’s mood down along with yours, you have been keeping quiet about what you’ve been going through – but it doesn’t have to be this way. You’re allowed to share your thoughts and emotions. It won’t bother the people who love you. They will be relieved you confided in them. After all, think of how many times they have opened up to you when they were feeling upset. Relationships are about give and take. You’ve done so much for them. Now let them be there to comfort you.


You have been struggling to stay positive lately because you have been doubting yourself. It’s hard to think optimistically when you feel like you’re bound to mess up every good thing that enters your life. Which is why you need to stop being so hard on yourself. You aren’t doing as terribly as you think. Even though you have been going through some tough times lately, that doesn’t mean it’s your fault. And it doesn’t mean it will last forever. You bring more to the table than you realize, so stop assuming the worst about yourself. Stop doubting your own abilities.