4 Zodiacs Who Struggle The Most When They're Single For The Holidays
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4 Zodiacs Who Struggle The Most When They’re Single For The Holidays

There’s nothing wrong with being single, but it can be tough when you have your heart set on a committed relationship. And it can be even tougher around the holidays. Don’t worry though, because you’re not alone in feeling this lonely. Here are the zodiacs who struggle the most when they’re single during the holiday season:


You struggle when you’re single during the holidays because you want someone to share your traditions with. Someone who will wear tacky holiday sweaters with you and kiss you in front of the fireplace and buy you the perfect present you’ve been dreaming about all year. It’s hard not to be a romantic around the holidays because it brings out everyone’s soft side. There are so many cutesy Hallmark movies on that make you think about settling down. And there are so many couples showing off their perfect families on Instagram. It’s easy to get sentimental around this type of year, to crave the type of relationship where you feel like each other’s homes.  


You struggle when you’re single during the holidays, even though you’re perfectly happy with your life right now. You don’t want to want a relationship. You don’t want to feel so lonely, especially since you know you have people around who love you. People who would do anything for you and make you feel special. However, this time of the year is tricky. It can make you emotional out of nowhere. It can make you wish that you were in a relationship, even when you know that you are in the best spot you could possibly be in right now. Maybe next year, you will be in a relationship around the holidays. Or maybe you will still be happier on your own. But either way, you will never let your relationship status determine how happy your holidays are.


You struggle when you’re single during the holidays because you feel extra pressure to settle down from the people surrounding you. Not only do your family and friends keep asking you about your dating life, but they are all paired up. They make relationships look fun, like something that you wish you were in too. Even though you know it’s better to be single than in the wrong relationship, the holidays make commitment look tempting. They make you want that comfy, cozy life. And one day, you might have it. But until that point comes, you are going to enjoy the single life. It’s not nearly as bad as it might feel in the moment.


Although you are mostly happy being single, the holidays can make you miss people you have no business missing. They can get you thinking fondly about your exes and old flames because you miss spending the holidays with someone. You miss having someone to watch movies with while you cuddle on the couch. You miss having someone to kiss beneath the mistletoe and show off at family parties. You miss knowing you won’t be waking up on the holidays alone. But even though your loneliness has hit a peak now, you aren’t always going to feel this way. It’s only temporary.