
3 Zodiacs Who Will Bring The Drama On Christmas Day (December 25)

There’s always that one person at the family holiday get-together. The one starts a debate about politics or brings up the long-held family secret. It’s just drama, drama, drama. Even if you go in with the idea that it’ll just be a relaxed holiday, the odds are still high that someone will cause trouble. These are the three zodiac signs most likely to bring the drama this Christmas. You might just find yourself on this list, if not someone else in the family.


You’re probably not at all surprised to see yourself on this list. If you think back on past holidays, you’ve brought the drama several times before. It’s not that you necessarily do it on purpose. You just sometimes say things that get people a little riled up. And you’re not afraid to call out your uncle’s shitty opinions or defend your siblings when your mom says something out of line. If the consequence is that there’s a little more drama at the dinner table this Christmas, so be it.


Your drama might be mild, but it’s still going to show up at the holiday get together today if you’re not careful. You can thank your love of attention for that. Maybe it’ll show up in the form of overt competitiveness while playing a round of party games or needing the floor while you regale the fam with all your interesting stories during dinner. Get ready for at least one cousin or sibling to be thoroughly annoyed by you today.


You rarely have enough social energy to handle everything going on at Christmas. It’s not that you’re unhappy to see your family, it’s just that your social battery gets drained so quickly for occasions like this one. As a result, you might end up getting short with people by the end of the night. You’re likely not doing it on purpose, but that doesn’t mean some feelings aren’t getting hurt in the process. Luckily most or all of the people you’ll be seeing today know you very well, so they should know that your heart is in the right place.