4 Zodiacs Who Are Close With Their Cousins
Twenty20 / erykahhill81

4 Zodiacs Who Are Close With Their Cousins

To some zodiacs, family is everything. There’s nothing more exciting than getting the cousins together and having a fun time because you’re more than relatives. You’re best friends. Seeing each other isn’t an obligation that you dread. You genuinely enjoy each other’s company and count down the days until you see each other again. Here are the zodiacs who are closest to their cousins:


You are close with your cousins because they know you better than most other people in this world ever will. Since they have been by your side since you were children, you have been through more than you can count together. You have experienced good times. Bad times. Awkward, embarrassing times. There’s nothing that you feel like you have to keep from them because they would never judge you over your decisions. They are a huge support system for you. They genuinely want what is best for you, even if they don’t understand it themselves. They are your biggest cheerleaders, and are always in your corner.


You are close to your cousins because a lot of people have come and gone throughout your life, but they have always been there for you. They have never left you hanging. From your childhood until now, you trusted that they would be there for you whenever you needed them. Although you might have had some ups and downs, you always found your way back together again. You can never go too long without reuniting. Your cousins are more than people who share your DNA or a last name. They are genuine friends that you are so thankful to have in your life. You aren’t sure what you would do without them. 


You are close to your cousins because they are simply the greatest. You got lucky in the family department because you ended up surrounded by people you would have loved to get to know, even if you weren’t related. You have a ton of fun together, whether you are chatting at a family party or are making plans to get together without the adults around. Although you don’t see eye-to-eye on every single thing, you never let it tear you apart. You are always there for each other. You have each other’s backs. No questions asked. 


You are close to your cousins because you are a family oriented sign. Your relatives mean the world to you, and they always have. Of course, your relationship with them isn’t exactly the same as it used to be now that you’re adults. You hate how long you can go without seeing your cousins and miss the days when you would be together for every single holiday and birthday. Although you might not talk to them as much as you did when you were younger, they will always hold a special place in your heart. They will always be some of your favorite people to hang around. No matter how many miles are separating you, you still feel close to them emotionally.