Thought Catalog Agency

3 Zodiacs That Will Break Through This Christmas


Scorpio ditches their mysterious ways this Christmas to put it all on the line for someone. Gone are the days of mixed messages, plotted carefully in advance, written in code or transmitted via smoke signal. Instead, Scorpio opts for simple honest words that get their point across in a vulnerable yet confident way. “I like you” coming from a Scorpio carries more weight than it does with any other sign because it’s an invitation for you to like them back—the real them, which involves them letting down their guard and allowing you to get to know them. The person who spends all day thinking about you, even when they’re too scared to text back right away. The person who has a million ideas throughout the day and just wants someone to share them with. The person who still wears a t-shirt they’ve owned for 10 years to bed and wants someone to roll over and hold when they have a bad dream. They’re willing to put it all out there, full nerd and all, for the chance for their Christmas connection to become something more. 


Libra is ready to take a side this Christmas, whether it’s as innocent as choosing between White Christmas and It’s A Wonderful Life, or more contentious, like who’s the worst cook in the family. They’re known to play both sides, even when it requires them to lie through their teeth, but Libra is tired of being pulled in every direction and having to hold back their true thoughts. They really do have opinions and preferences. They really do care what’s for dinner. They’ve just been too timid to speak up for themselves all this time. So they’ll talk a little smack after two glasses of wine, and maybe even stir the pot, and it will feel like a weight has been lifted off their ugly-Christmas-sweater-clothed chest. If politics comes up at the dinner table, they’ll politely state their views instead of biting their tongue until it bleeds, and nothing terrible will happen. Libra will see that they’ve grown up, they’re entitled to an opinion and actively holding one isn’t going to ruin the holiday for everyone. Unless they come for grandma’s fruit cake. Then there’s no telling what could happen. 


Pisces is going to pull themselves out of their introspective mist this Christmas and really be present with everyone. It’s easy, with this many stimuli and emotions tied to the season, to get caught up in the type of processing and analysis they’re known for, but Pisces has earned a break after a long and exhausting year, and they’re ready to celebrate. To actively participate in conversations. To laugh, sing, and play games. To let their freak flag fly in a family appropriate way. They want to unbutton their pants to make extra room for dessert. To spike everyone’s eggnog. Throw a few snowballs. Live moves a million miles a minute, but for this one moment in time, Pisces wants to hit pause and soak it all in. They want to stick their head under the Christmas tree, and instead of pondering the absurdity of their own existence, just want to admire the beauty of a string of plastic bulbs. Sometimes it really is that easy.