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How Mercury In Sagittarius Is Impacting Your Life, Based On Your Zodiac

Mercury doesn’t like to swim in murky waters. It’s happiest in Virgo or Gemini, which it naturally rules—and where there are definite rules and structure to follow. It’s not comfortable in Neptune-ruled Pisces because that space is altogether too dreamy and poetic, and it’s in detriment in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius because the energy is too flighty and frenetic.

Right now, as we approach Sagittarius season, we’re getting a brief preview of what’s to come. Mercury moved into the sign of the archer on November 10th after an intense spell in Scorpio. After weeks of exploring the depths of our collective psyche, undercovering mysteries, and moodily keeping secrets, our sights are now set a bit higher. If Scorpio is the body, Sagittarius is the spirit.

Depending on where Sagittarius is located in your chart, you’ll experience this transit quite differently. What we can all expect, though, is an increased desire to communicate our ideas regarding philosophy, culture, religion, and travel.

This can be a fruitful time in which open dialogue is valued and appreciated. Sagittarius is a mutable sign, so it’s open to diplomatic discussion and tends towards optimism. However, it’s important to remember that Saturn and Neptune are currently in Pisces, forming an uncomfortable square to Mercury. This means that we will be deeply concerned with expansive truth-seeking, but limited by misinformation and illusions.

Mercury will remain here until January 2024, with a brief retrograde period in December, so we might as well try to get comfortable with this tension. Accept that some things will inevitably get lost in translation, and determine how Mercury in Sagittarius will impact you personally in order to better understand how to work constructively with this transit.


You’re not one to turn down the opportunity for a good debate, Aries, and you might find yourself more passionate about your convictions for the next several weeks. Hold your naturally fiery tongue when it’s necessary, but feel free to express your feelings if the circumstances are appropriate. In fact, you might not even need to start the dialogue yourself: now that Mercury is transiting your ninth house, you can expect your religious and philosophical views to come up in conversation a lot. You’ll also find yourself dwelling on existential questions during your alone time. Don’t run from this; rather, try to channel the energy productively by trying a new meditative practice or journaling your 3 AM insights.


You might be the steady and stable force in your friend group on a good day, Taurus, but around this time you’ll be faced with a surprising willingness to talk about your darker side. With Mercury transiting your eighth house of death, sex, and taboos, you might find yourself trauma-dumping on strangers or delving deeper into your existing relationships. Don’t worry, though: this won’t scare away the right people. On the other hand, it will ignite brand-new friendships and expand your social network. Don’t be afraid to share your truth and be vulnerable. Sometimes, in doing so, you can start a chain reaction and encourage others to be more open about their own pain.


You’re always good at banter, Gemini, but with Mercury in your seventh house of relationships, your partner is going to be matching your energy. Look forward to some intense discussions about your shared spiritual and philosophical beliefs—and some heated debates about the things you don’t agree on. You will inevitably learn more about your loved ones during this time, from your business partners to your best friend to your spouse. If you’re single and trying to sus out whether a new romantic partner is worth investing in for the long term, you’ll likely have it figured out by the time this transit is over. If they don’t share your most deeply held convictions, they’re unlikely to fit into your world.


As the mom friend of the zodiac, Cancer, you’re used to making people feel safe and comfortable. During Mercury’s time in your sixth house of daily routines, you can anticipate more chaotic energy in your workplace. Don’t be surprised if you end up in the crossfire of some ideological clashes between co-workers. If you’ve never given much thought to how your daily grind impacts your spiritual practice, this is a good time to consider steps you can take to ensure you feel more at ease. Wake up an hour earlier to meditate. Schedule a specific time to journal. Do what you can to balance your inner and outer worlds.


You’re always ready for new experiences, Leo, and this holiday season just might feel like a Hallmark movie. With Mercury in your fifth house of romance and pleasure, you might find yourself enmeshed in a new, exciting, but short-lived affair—or, if you’re already partnered, a lot of fun date nights. Expect this period to be intellectually stimulating, challenging you to defend—and question—your convictions. There will be an undeniably sensual aspect to your relationship around this time, taking you ever deeper as sex feels more transcendent than physical. The depth of soul bonding around this time will transform you for the better. Every Leo needs a bit of humility, and you will be more capable of understanding different perspectives by January.


You like to carefully consider the weight of your words, Virgo, but with Mercury transiting your fourth house of family, you might find your relatives picking ideological debates over the holidays and otherwise disrupting the peace. Expect your partner, if you have one, to be dragged into the mess, potentially bringing new conflicts into your relationship. You might decide that you can no longer support a family member’s extremism, or you might recognize that your cultural upbringing clashes with your current partner’s. Whatever the case may be, expect a torrent of existential questions that keep you up at night as you try to find harmony between your origins and your autonomy.


Have you got something to say, Libra? This will feel like an extremely significant time for you, as Mercury transits your third house of communication and local community. You’ll be tempted to speak out and speak boldly, taking the initiative to drive the conversation. This will feel very uncharacteristic for you, since you typically prefer to let others lead. Use this transit as an opportunity to step into your strength and communicate your thoughts. You can speak truth to power. However, some of your good old-fashioned Libran peacekeeping is necessary in your daily life, too: be particularly wary of conflicts that arise in your workplace around this time, as your coworkers face off over ideological and religious differences. You always make a great mediator, even when things get ugly.


You aren’t afraid of going deep, Scorpio, but this time is ideal for monetizing the thoughts everyone else is afraid to say. With Mercury in your second house of finances, you can expect your creative output to be profitable, especially if it involves written or spoken communication. However, you can expect some pushback from naysayers. Whether you choose to get opinionated on your own podcast or try to push the envelope at your existing job, you’ll make a few people uncomfortable. This is part of your purpose, and especially right now, your voice is important. Just tread lightly and try not to go straight into attack mode. Not everyone is going to understand you, and that’s okay. You will find your audience, and time will tell whether your words stand the test of time.


When Mercury transits your first house, you always wind up talking more than usual. This transit will be no different, Sagittarius, and you’ll be more willing to engage in spirited and even heated discussions. However, this is almost certainly going to cause some kind of challenges at home. Anticipate some awkward Thanksgiving arguments and dramatic rants from your relatives. You will be challenged to stay out of it—unless, of course, you feel strongly enough about what you perceive as truth to put it all on the line. The challenge here? Embracing empathy despite your knee-jerk reaction to be right. You’re not the only one struggling with this right now, which should be a comfort.


You’re usually all business, Capricorn, but with Mercury in your twelfth house of the unconscious, this is time to listen to your intuition. Start a spiritual practice like lucid dreaming or dream journaling; any experience you have while in an altered state is likely to trigger your desire to communicate, particularly with people in your local community. You might bond deeply with an estranged sibling over the holidays or join a new group in your town. Your natural skepticism towards the metaphysical is healthy, but this will be a time when even you can’t deny the cosmos is working to make you a better person. Your dreams will be more vivid, your psychic senses will be heightened, and you just might feel like you’re a new person by January.


You’re a social animal, Aquarius, but this transit will feel particularly lively with Mercury transiting your eleventh house of community. Your network will broaden, and with it, your chances to learn—and join forces with a potential business partner. Your intuitive, spiritual, or philosophical ideas are likely to bring you abundance around this time, so communicate them loudly and don’t be afraid to embrace your natural eccentricity. Your tribe will rally around you more than ever, providing the support system that you have always dreamed of. Barring other aspects in your natal chart, this will be a highly auspicious time for you. Don’t be afraid to accept an invitation to a new social event you’d normally avoid. You might find yourself surrounded by a group of brand-new friends.


Be cautious and economical with your words during this period, Pisces, because your reputation is on the line. Mercury is currently in your tenth house of career and legacy, so whatever you say around this time is going to be scrutinized and potentially criticized. Avoid being too confrontational or abrasive about your beliefs. Weigh the odds before going public about anything you might regret. You will feel this transit more heavily than others as a Jupiter-ruled sign yourself—but the comfortingly intuitive approach that is so normal to you will not be welcomed when the rest of the world is ready to see things through a broad, expansive Sagittarian lens. Your voice is welcome in this conversation, too. Share your thoughts, but remember, your quiet communication style often reads as passive-aggression.