Andrea Piacquadio

This Is The Kind Of Love You Should Go After

Stop chasing a love that is perfect.

But go after the love that is real.

Go after the love that fights for you, that fights for itself. Go after the love that can experience many deaths and then rebirths. The love that can resurrect.

Go after the love that asks for second chances, third, then fourth. Not out of naïveté, but because of faith.

Go after the love that doesn’t listen to the conditions of your brain but bows down to the whispers of your heart.

Go after a love that makes you think more about the other and less about the self. A love that dissolves the “I”.

Go after the love that is ever changing, in constant motion, alive.

The love that wasn’t born from the desires of your ego, the wild whirls of your imagination, the movies that you’ve seen, but a sacred place deep within.

Go after a love that can surprise you, a love that you didn’t plan.

Go after the love that makes you feel enough.

The one that knows your annoying habits—the parts of you that you struggle to accept, the things you say you’ll change but never do—and still chooses you a hundred times over.

Go after the love that makes you feel equally beautiful with natural or blow-dried hair, blemished face or perfect skin. A love that doesn’t make you hustle. 

Go after the love that makes the world seem a kinder, safer place. The one that helps you fall asleep at night. The one that quickens your heartbeat and slows it down in equal measure, but not at the same time.

Go after a love that is hard, not because you need to earn it but because it asks you to grow.

A love that has seen crazy, ugly, and scary and it’s still the most beautiful. 

A love that promises to try and knows it will inevitably fail, but then fail better. 

A love that asks if you’re all right and waits to hear the answer. 

Go after a love that expands your capacity for compassion, kindness, and acceptance—of yourself and of the other.  

A love that is open-minded, expansive, and committed to the work. All the work—the soul-searching, the thought-training, the reaction-changing. The vacuum-cleaning, the book-reading, the gift-making.

Go after a love that is tender and tough, soft and strong. Wild like the ocean waves, loyal like the sunrise, and gentle like the moon.

Go after a love that can flourish and bloom just when you thought it’s all dried out. 

Go after the love that says “I am sorry” first.

A love that understands who you were, supports who you are, and inspires who you are becoming. 

A love that teaches you how to love.

No, you won’t find a love that is perfect. But you can find a love that is real. And when you do, stick around.