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Why You Should Listen To Your Friends, Based On Your Birth Month


You don’t have to do everything yourself. While it often feels like you need to go it alone, that’s just not true. You can ask your friends for help and advice. In fact, they’d probably jump at the chance to do just that.


Your friends want to reciprocate. You’re normally the one giving advice, fixing things, listening when life gets tough. Don’t let your friendship get one-sided. Let them do the same for you.


You’ll become a lot closer to your friends. You’re normally such a closed book when it comes to sharing with your inner circle. If you let them in enough to give you advice, they’ll just be happy that you’ve finally opened up.


They’ve been waiting for you to ask. You’re a pretty impulsive person, so you’ll usually act without even thinking about it, leaving you no room to ask for advice. Next time, take a breath and talk to the people around you before you act.


You need to listen even when they don’t agree with you. You’ll follow the advice of your friends if they’re saying what you want to hear. It’s when they have tough love that you ignore everything. Now’s the time to listen to all of it.


You need to actually take their advice. You’ll ask for your friends’ opinions all the time, but they find themselves frustrated when you don’t do anything they say. Give them some credit. They might even know you better than you know yourself.


Your sensitivity might be holding your friends back. They worry that you won’t be receptive to what they have to say. Let them know that you won’t get your feelings hurt. You can handle it.


You already listen to your friends–but you need to be pickier on who’s advice you’ll take. Some people have your best interests at heart, and others very much don’t. Ignore the toxic people in your life and stick with the ones who love you.


Maybe you should stop listening to your friends. Of all the birth months, you’re the one most likely to ask for opinions on absolutely every little thing. Too much, too often. You should start trusting your own gut and listen to your heart instead.


Listening to your friends is a good bonding experience. Sure, there’s probably not a lot of turmoil in your life that would warrant much-needed advice, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask for it. You’ll be so much closer as a result.


Your friends actually do have opinions. It turns out you’re not hiding your feelings as well as you thought. Your friends have noticed that somethings wrong, and they’ve just been waiting for you to ask for help. Now’s the time.


You’re not doing yourself a service by rebelling against friends’ advice. You’re a bit of a troublemaker, so you usually do the opposite of what friends suggest. Do yourself a favor and take their advice this time. Good things will come if you do.