4 Zodiacs Who Will Never Let A Good Thing Go


Cancers don’t get in the way of their own happiness. They know the difference between life’s highs and lows, and how to appreciate each for what it is, and both for their temporary natures. So when Cancer comes across something that is truly good for them and their lives, they won’t let it get away. They won’t question whether they deserve it, or whether they have the guts to speak up for it or raise their hand for it. They will go all in, knowing that there are only so many chances, so many opportunities for happiness, and they only last so long. The worst thing that could happen is that it doesn’t work out, and that is far less terrible than never trying at all.


Libras know there is only enough room in life for so many things. The older we get, the fewer options we have to choose from, because we’re already living with the results of the choices we have already made. It’s a constant game of downsizing, of identifying and cherishing the essential. So that friendship, that t-shirt with all the holes in it, that person a Libra feels could be “the one”, all of that becomes the things they make room for. The things they clean out other areas of their lives for. To create space and time that was previously taken up by the unessential. A Libra never wants to look back and wishes they could have prioritized differently, so they get it right on the first try.


Capricorns aren’t afraid to pay the sticker price on things of value. They will spend more on a car that is safe and reliable, and skip out on the lemon at half the price. They will hire the perfect candidate for an open role, even if it means negotiating the salary range because they know a productive contributor can bring in many times more than someone who is simply looking to coast. The perfect pieces of furniture for their reading nook, the last slice of pizza, the soulmate they’ve been waiting their whole life to find. None of these things can get away without a Capricorn doing their best to impede it.


Pisces are the most innocent signs of the zodiac, despite being the final house that has absorbed all of the knowledge of the others. They’ve learned from all the other signs mistakes and shortcomings, which is why they understand the importance of maintaining the best childlike qualities, among those genuine excitement. A child never lets a good opportunity pass them by. It is only adult insecurities that are learned behaviors that get in our way. Our insecurities, our second guesses, our indecisiveness. A child sees something that excites them and gives themselves over to the experience. This is how Pisces handles the good things that come into their life. They don’t let past experiences color the way they approach something completely new and undiscovered. They give everything the benefit of the doubt because for them there is nothing to doubt. They simply trust in life’s goodness.