4 Zodiacs Who Use Jokes And Sarcasm To Cover Up Their True Feelings
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4 Zodiacs Who Use Jokes And Sarcasm To Cover Up Their True Feelings

Some zodiacs are completely comfortable opening up about how they’re feeling. But other signs are scared to show too much vulnerability. Whenever someone asks them a serious question or tries to broach a tough topic, they cover up how they’re really feeling with humor. Here are the zodiacs who use jokes and sarcasm to cover up their true feelings:


You have trouble having serious conversations because you never want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. You never want to spoil the mood or inconvenience anyone. You would rather be the person spreading laughter and smiles, the person who is entertaining everyone and making them have a great time. But you need to remember, you aren’t bothering your loved ones by admitting how you feel. They want to be there for you. They want to help you out whenever you’re struggling. You don’t have to be the fun one all the time. You can be real with them too. They aren’t going to love you any less.


You’re a pretty private person. Most of the time, you would rather keep your problems to yourself. You would rather solve them on your own, without any outside help, so you don’t feel the need to tell anyone how you’re feeling. You will avoid serious conversations, and if someone asks you straight-up how you’re feeling, you will make jokes out of the situation to seem like the problem is bothering you much less than it is in reality. You will try to come across like everything is fine, like you couldn’t care less about the situation, even though it’s eating you up inside. But you need to remember, it’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to admit when something is wrong.


You don’t love letting other people into your heart and mind. You keep most of them at arm’s length because you don’t trust them enough. You don’t want to give them access to your worst moments and deepest fears. Which is why you will use humor to deflect. You will joke around about how you’re feeling and joke around about the worst experiences of your life because it’s easier (and safer) than getting vulnerable with others. However, once you know you can trust someone, being real with them will make you feel better. Remember, you don’t have to hide yourself from everyone in the world. Certain people are worth opening up to. Certain people will make you feel less alone.


Leo, although you are blunt when you want to be, you don’t go around airing your problems to everyone who will listen. You want to come across as strong and confident, so you struggle to show off your vulnerable side. You use jokes in order to diminish how you’re feeling, to make your problems seem smaller, to make it appear like you are perfectly fine and nothing can bother you. But you need to remember, there’s nothing weak about expressing your emotions, about being honest and vulnerable about messy situations. You don’t have to keep pretending. Not around the people who really love you.