6 Definite Signs You Need To Raise Your Standards In Your Relationship
Having standards is important for a satisfying, long-term relationship because they essentially function as boundaries. Standards provide directions for our partner to treat us in the way we both expect and require. Standards help us feel safe, happy, and secure in the relationship. They keep the partnership healthy.
Over time, though, our standards can become more lax as we settle into a partnership. We can become more complacent and tolerant of less-than ideal behavior from our person. This should not be the case, however. If you relate to any of these six signs, it’s definitely time to raise your standards in your relationship.
1. You are not their priority (even though you prioritize them).
You put your partner first whenever you are able to do so. You understand that sacrifices sometimes need to be made and relationships aren’t about convenience as they are about commitment. That said, your partner does not respond in kind. Everything feels as though it’s on their terms and that’s because it is. You’re starting to feel more like an option than their choice.
2. You are afraid (or reluctant) to ask for their support.
Because, most of the time, you’d have to beg and beg for them to do what you ask anyway. You end up just doing everything yourself or seeking help from outside the relationship instead because it’s “easier” than trying to get your partner to pull their weight.
3. You resent your partner.
Because they are not meeting where you are at and giving you what you need. This resentment can come out as little digs and disrespect because you feel as though you aren’t heard otherwise. It doesn’t feel good, to say the least.
4. You often wonder what it would be like to be single again.
This can mean you are starting to emotionally check out of the relationship because you aren’t getting your needs met. If being single is starting to sounds more peaceful than being in a relationship, this is a major red flag that you need to address their behavior ASAP.
5. You are expected to adjust your boundaries.
It feels as though you shouldn’t even bother setting boundaries at all since yours are often crossed and disrespected for the sake of your partner’s comfort and convenience. Your partner constantly expects you to bend and move and adjust everything according to their wants and needs. Otherwise, you risk getting into a huge fight.
6. Your friends and family have expressed concern about the way your partner treats you.
If your loved ones have checked in about your partner and said they are worried about the way they treat you, this is a sign the way they are behaving is definitely out of line and not at all in your head. Your feelings are valid and you deserve to be cared for in a way that feels safe, respectful, and loving. Raise your standards because the right person will be able to rise to the occasion. Anyone else doesn’t deserve you.