5 Concrete Signs He’s Emotionally Checked Out Of The Relationship
Here are five signs he’s emotionally checking out of the relationship.
1. He’s super pre-occupied with his phone.
When you’re together, it doesn’t really feel like he’s there because he’s completely enthralled by his phone. He’s more interested in texting his friends, scrolling on social media, and reading random articles than trying to bond and spend quality time with you. It almost feels as though he’s a roommate you happen to have sex with on occassion.
On that note…
2. Your sex life is dwindling.
Sex is becoming less and less frequent. And when you are intimate, it feels like an obligation more than anything. You’re just not connecting in the same way as you used to.
3. He’s dismissive.
If he’s emotionally checking out of the relationship, he may begin invalidating or dismissing your feelings because he is his investment in your relationship is waning. After all, a healthy, lasting relationship requires emotional safety and the sharing of feelings. And if he no longer is making you feel as though you’re being heard and cared for, it might be because he’s pushing you away emotionally.
4. He isn’t prioritizing you and your relationship.
Something always seems to be coming up lately. He’s stopped making an effort to plan dates and outings together. If you want to do anything with him, it’s up to you to make sure it happens. Your relationship is beginning to be incredibly one-sided.
5. Your feelings haven’t changed (but something within your relationship definitely has).
You know your feelings, communication, effort, and commitment haven’t changed. The only shift has been in his energy and behavior. In other words, something is just off with him and you’re not sure what that might be.
While all relationships go through ebbs and flows, you know when someone is pulling away and when something isn’t right. The best thing you can do is talk to him about what is going on and see if you can resolve it.