The Personality Trait You Value Most In A Partner, Based On Your Birth Month
Allegra Messina

The Personality Trait You Value Most In A Partner, Based On Your Birth Month


You value intelligence. It’s important for you to be able to hold a conversation with your partner about deep, meaningful topics. And you want to be able to bounce ideas off of them too. You want someone you see as your intellectual equal.


You value uniqueness. You want a partner who doesn’t care about fitting in with the crowd. A partner who gives their real opinion instead of what they think you want to hear. A partner who is weird and owns it.


You value vulnerability. You want your partner to trust you enough to cry in front of you and express their worries to you. Holding back emotions will only cause problems for the relationship and the individual, so you want everything out in the open.


You value open-mindedness. It’s important for you to be able to talk to your partner about anything without being judged. You need someone who is always open to hearing what you have to say and won’t shut down when it’s something they don’t like.


You value consistency. You need a partner who will show up when they promise they will. A partner who follows through on their promises. A partner who never leaves you to sort through your problems on your own because they want to be there to help.


You value kindness. You need a partner who treats you with respect at all moments, no matter what stage of the relationship you’re in or how frustrated you are with each other. You aren’t going to tolerate disrespect from the person who is meant to love you the most.


You value patience. It’s important for your partner to take your boundaries seriously and to move at whatever pace you set. You don’t want someone who guilt trips you into changing your mind or pressures you into saying yes instead of no. You want someone who respects your decisions fully.


You value maturity. You want a partner who acts like an actual adult, who can take care of themselves, and who owns up to their mistakes. You aren’t going to baby your partner and do everything for them because you’re not their babysitter. You’re their equal. 


You value transparency. You need to know what your partner is thinking so you don’t have to play guessing games to figure out what is wrong. You want to keep the relationship strong, and the only way to do that is if you are completely open with each other and avoid keeping secrets.


You value authenticity. It’s important that your partner is their real self around you. You don’t want them to play pretend to impress you, and you don’t want to feel like you’re tiptoeing around them either. You want to know their truest self. You want to let down your walls and see each other for who you really are. 


You value loyalty. It’s important for you to trust your partner, and for them to trust you too. You wouldn’t last in a relationship where there are doubts about the strength of the connection or the love you two share.


You value determination. You want a partner who follows their dreams instead of taking the easy route. A partner who is constantly trying to improve themselves. A partner who understands that they are a work in progress and wants to do better and better each day. Because you’re going to do the same.