It Chapter Two

20 Stephen King Fans Are Intentionally Describing His Books In One Badly Written Sentence

Even the biggest Stephen King fans can agree that this spooky author’s books have some absolutely wild plotlines. From murder cars to giant spiders masquerading as killer clowns, his books leave readers both scratching their heads and hiding under their covers. One hilarious Twitter thread asked a great question: Can you describe your fave King novels with just one terrible sentence?

What Happens In Vegas…

It’s Just A Clown

Worst Period Ever

That’s One Memorable Prom

Such A Lovely Story

This Fits So Many King Books, It’s Hilarious

Traffic, Am I Right?

The Plot Of Every King Novel

They’re Playing With Fire

So Heartwarming

This Is Too Real

Move Over, Tesla

Zero Stars

A β€œKing Game” Then?

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Because Capitalism Could Never Be Evil

She Was Just Being Nice

Now This Is Wordplay

Blame It On The Trucks

If Only…