The New Year’s Resolutions You Never Keep, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Let’s face it: Most of us never finish the New Year’s resolutions that we set. We go into the first of the year with all these rosy goals of becoming a new and better person. And then January 2nd rolls around and our desire to do anything new starts to wane. We aren’t so excited to go to the gym, to stay sober, to eat kale instead of chocolate. But what New Year’s resolutions are you always breaking? Find your zodiac sign on this list to see the one you embody.

Aries: Getting more sleep.

You have the mindset of “I can sleep when I’m dead.” You’re up all hours and that means you’re dead on your feet when you start work every morning. Sure, you know how valuable it is to get a good night’s sleep, but do you do it? No.

Taurus: Traveling more.

You love the idea of travel. There are all sorts of places you want to see, from Tokyo, Japan to the natural hot springs of Iceland. But then you think about airports and taxis and unfamiliar languages and you think, “yeah, never mind.”

Gemini: Getting organized.

Your life can be a bit of a mess sometimes. You know you should be more organized–it would certainly help when you need to find something. And yet, by the second week of January, your home and car have already reverted back to disaster areas.

Cancer: Enforcing healthy boundaries.

It’s tough for you. As soon as you get even the smallest inkling that one of your boundaries is hurting someone’s feelings, you backpedal faster than an Olympic cyclist. It’s just a shame you prioritize other people’s comfort over your own.

Leo: Getting off social media.

You can blame your phone for all that neck pain you’ve been dealing with. Maybe if you weren’t so obsessed with social media, you’d notice all the cool things happening around you. But there you sit scrolling on TikTok during the holiday get-togethers, missing out.

Virgo: Spending more time on self-care.

You run yourself ragged sometimes, and the thought of a long bath is often the only thing that keeps you going. The problem is that you always find some excuse not to actually do the self-care you truly need. Apparently getting your car washed is more important. (No it isn’t.)

Libra: Saving more and spending less.

What’s the point of money if you don’t spend it, right? Well, there’s that little thing called “savings.” But you wouldn’t know about that. Instead you’re more caught up in fun purchases or spending all your money on going out to eat or ordering in for dinner.

Scorpio: Reading more.

It’s not that you don’t have the time. It’s that so many other things distract you from whatever book your friend has been pressuring you to read. Maybe Netflix binges have fried your brain? Or maybe you’d rather watch a quick movie than wasting time with a book.

Sagittarius: Staying home more.

You’re the one always encouraging everyone to have a party or go out to the club with you. The resolutions to stay home or quit drinking never quite stick. You’d rather be out having fun than stuck at home doing whatever it is that home-bodies do. You wouldn’t know.

Capricorn: Getting better at the work/life balance.

You’re the workaholic of the zodiac. There’s just too much to do and you put all sorts of pressure on yourself to get things done. Otherwise you’re just lazy, right? So you toil away, your stress ever increasing, with no way to let off steam. You’re a powder keg waiting to blow.

Aquarius: Spending more time with friends and family.

Your friends always talk about how they miss you, how they wish you’d come out and hang. You love your friends, but you love your hobbies and projects more. It’s almost as if you have object permanence problems when it comes to friendships. If you can’t see them, they don’t exist.

Pisces: Asking out your crush.

You always have a crush on at least one person and you often spend your free time hoping they’ll ask you out. But are you ever the one doing the asking? You’d rather them make the first move, which means that sometimes two people crushing on each other never end up together.