Thought Catalog Agency

22 Things To Leave Behind In 2022

Out with the old and in with the new. 2023 is upon us. As such, here are 22 things to leave behind in 2022.

1. Neglecting your health. This includes mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and financial health. Take care of yourself, in whatever way that looks like to you.

2. Ghosting (instead of having uncomfortable conversations). Ghosting isn’t doing you or the other person any favors. Lean into the discomfort. It will get easier with time.

3. Toxic relationships. Say goodbye to one-sided relationships, fair-weather friends, and situationships. You have no space left for that kind of toxicity any longer.

4. Doomscrolling. There’s a difference between staying informed and driving yourself crazy. Learn the difference.

5. Self-sabotage. And if you’re not sure how to stop self-sabotaging, check out The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest.

6. Staying quiet when you’re disrespected in order to “keep the peace.” This doesn’t maintain healthy boundaries and relationships. It only creates resentment, distance, and pain for you. Doesn’t sound too peaceful, huh?

7. People-pleasing. Say what you need to say, do what you need to do. The right people will understand.

8. Shitty sleep habits. Rest is productive. Sleep is vital. Be serious about your slumber!

9. Comparison. We’re all on different paths. Focus on your own.

10. Avoiding wearing the clothes you adore because you don’t think you can pull them off. Life is short. Wear the damn crop top.

11. The idea that you must be perfect in order to be loved.

12. Fear of failure. You’re not always going to get it right. You are going to fail every now and again. This is inevitable, but that’s okay. Besides, if life always went your way, that would be pretty boring, no?

13. Toxic positivity. Sometimes, there isn’t a silver lining. Sometimes, shit just sucks, and the sooner you let this be true, the more quickly you’ll be able to move past whatever it is that is hurting.

14. Chasing people who have shown they do not want to be caught. Stop forcing connection where there is none. Stop overexplaining yourself to those who were never listening in the first place. Stop chasing people who have shown they do not want to be caught.

15. Shopping to keep up with trends. Stick to the staples that make you feel your best and most like yourself.

16. The belief you don’t deserve the kind of life you want. You do, but you need to be willing to show up for it in order to live it.

17. Refusing to enjoy the things you enjoy because they’re not “cool” enough. Life is hard enough. Don’t deprive yourself of the things you adore because they might not be understood by someone else. Literally, who cares what they think?

18. Embarrassing moments. Yeah, anything you’re embarrassed about doing in 2022? Leave it in the past. That’s where it belongs.

19. Not speaking up for the things you want.

20. Shame. You did the best you could with the information you had at the time. Reliving your worst moments and punishing yourself won’t change what happened. Learn from it and then move on.

21. Gossip. Be more interested in things beyond other people’s perceived flaws and shortcomings. You’ll be more fun to hangout with and talk to this way, too.

22. Anything you’re thinking about letting go as you read this. 2023 is the fresh start you’ve been looking for. Whatever you’re thinking about right this second, let go of it in 2023. You deserve to.