5 Red Flags You Can’t Trust A Word They Say
Andrea Piacquadio

5 Red Flags That You Can’t Trust A Word They Say

Not everyone has the same heart you have. They might be more comfortable lying to you than you think – but don’t worry because there are ways to protect yourself. Here are a few red flags that you can’t trust a word they say:

Their stories never add up. There are always holes in their stories. Or they keep changing the narrative every time they tell the story. Either way, it’s clear that they aren’t telling you the truth. And if they’re lying about something small and silly, that means they’re capable of lying about things that are important, too. Remember, the right person will talk to you about everything, even when it’s awkward or uncomfortable, because they will want you to stay informed. If this person is keeping secrets from you, they have a reason. And it’s probably not a great one.

They avoid going into detail about their weekend. Or about what’s going on at work. Or about their home life. Basically, they’re keeping you in the dark about every area of their life that doesn’t involve you. But the right person would be happy to share with you. If this person is hiding details, it might mean they don’t want to get caught in a lie. If they don’t technically talk to you about anything, then you can’t technically be mad at them for lying. But withholding the truth is another form of deception. 

They never come through on their promises. It doesn’t matter if they promise you something huge, like a vacation, or something small, like taking you on an ice cream date over the weekend. Either way, a broken promise is a broken promise. You don’t want to waste time with someone who is incapable of following through on plans they make, however vague they might be. If this person says one thing in the moment, then never follows through, they’re probably saying what you want to hear to stay on your good side. But saying the right words isn’t enough. They need their actions to back it up.

They lie to other people they love constantly. If you watch them lie to their family and friends with ease, you might want to watch your back. Everyone tells little white lies to get out of social situations every once in a while, but if your person is telling elaborate lies that are almost impressive to everyone in their life, from their best friends to their parents, they could do the exact same thing to you someday. Don’t assume you’re the only exception.

You’ve been betrayed by them time and time again. You’ve heard the phrase – if someone shows you who they are, believe them. Even though you might want this person to change, your love isn’t enough to make that happen. If this person keeps hurting you in the same exact ways and isn’t putting in any active effort to do better, then they don’t deserve you. An apology isn’t enough if they’re going to return to treating you like trash a few days later. If you’ve been betrayed by them more than once, then maybe it’s time to finally say goodbye to get what you really deserve.