If You Want To Stay Together Forever, Give Them More Than The Bare Minimum
Taryn Elliott

If You Want To Stay Together Forever, Give Them More Than The Bare Minimum

Even if your partner tolerates the bare minimum, that doesn’t mean it’s all you should give to them. It doesn’t mean you should sit back and enjoy the fact that you’re getting away with barely lifting a finger. Don’t you believe they deserve more? Don’t you want to go above and beyond to make them happy?

If you want to stay together forever, give them more than the bare minimum. Don’t try to skate by while giving them breadcrumbs. Don’t try to put as little effort into the relationship as possible, especially when they’re going above and beyond for you. After all, if you really love this person, you would want to do anything within your power to make them happy. You would want to make them feel valued and appreciated. You would want to do whatever it takes to put a smile on their face, whether or not it’s convenient for you.

If you want to stay together forever, you need to put effort into the relationship. You need to do your fair share. Even though your person might not be comfortable asking for more, even though they might be okay with the small amount you’re currently contributing, that doesn’t mean they’ll feel this way forever. Eventually, they’re going to grow tired of shouldering the relationship. They’re going to grow to resent the fact that they’re always the one doing more. And once you reach that point, there’s nothing you can do to change their mind. Putting effort in after they’ve reached that breaking point will be too little too late. If you want to be with them forever, if they really are your endgame, then you need to treat them like they’re special. You can’t get lazy. You can’t let them do ninety-nine percent of the work.

If you want to stay together forever, you need to treat your person like a priority. You need to set aside quality time to spend with them. You need to make them feel seen, heard, and valued. You need to make sure that not a day goes by where they’re wondering where you stand, whether you still care, whether you actually love them or are only saying the words. Compliments aren’t enough. You need to back up your words with actions. You need to follow through on your promises. You need to show them that you care in little ways every single day.

If you want to stay together forever, give them more than the bare minimum. Show them that they’re worth the effort, that you care enough to try. Because at the end of the day, that’s all they want. They want you to try your hardest. They want you to do your best. Even if their expectations for you are low, make it your mission to surprise them. Show them that you’re willing to give them even more than they’ve asked for, even more than they’ve dreamed. Don’t expect them to settle for you because even though they might lower their standards for now, they won’t keep them there forever – and you should never ask them to.