Darina Belonogova

This Is Why Healing Can Sometimes Wear You Out

People who decide to heal themselves will always have more struggles than victories in the beginning, because once you open this can of worms, you can never stop. You will start acknowledging every single trigger and try to get to the bottom of it. You will start being aware of every single limiting belief, negative thought, fear, or unsettling emotion that comes to you and you will try to understand why it’s there and how to get rid of it.Β 

When you decide to confront your past or your parents or certain people who hurt you so you can release the inner anger and resentment that’s holding you back, it will feel fresh all over again because you’re reliving that experience so you can let it go completely. It may feel even worse because now you’re aware of what it did to you or how it affected your personal life or other relationships. It may feel heavier than ever until you release it, but that’s what healing does to you. It pushes you over the edge only to save you. It brings up all your wounds only to heal them once and for all.Β 

It will be exhausting in the beginning, trying to monitor every thought and analyze every emotion, and it can wear you out, but it’s going to be worth it in the end. It’s going to get you the life you want and you will become the person you want to be because if you can control your thoughts and emotions, if you can regulate the way you respond to the things and people that trigger you and if you can rise above every defeat, loss, or failure, the rest of the healing journey will be so much easier because it will be automatic.Β 

So if you ever feel worn out because your healing journey is bringing you more bad than good or making you feel worse, please don’t give up. Keep persisting. Keep fighting. You’re reprogramming thoughts that have been ingrained in you for years. You’re unlearning behaviors you were fed ever since you were born. You’re facing some difficult truths about yourself that you swept under the rug for too long. It’s normal for it to feel heavy and it’s normal for these moments to make you feel uneasy as you’re purging it all out and healing from within.Β 

But what’s worse, fighting through these temporary emotions so you can get rid of them once and for all or avoiding that feeling right now only for it to hit you harder later? What’s worse, knowing you can heal yourself and take your power back or allowing yourself to be wounded by the same sword all over again? Fight now and win later. This is what healing is all about.Β