The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Man Who Cries
You’re sitting on the couch, curled up together with a heavy blanket pinning you to the place you know you want to be. On the screen, the main character is saying their last words before slipping away to the great beyond. As your cheeks become slick with tears, you feel him hold you tighter. You look up at him, and find his cheeks streaked much like yours. He’s a mirror to your sorrow. You don’t have to talk about how that, despite these being fictional characters, your empathy has your heart breaking all the same. You don’t have to say it because he understands. He feels it, too.
You receive the worst news of your life. Someone you cared about–a staple since your childhood–has died. Before you can explain anything more, he’s pulled you into a hug, his own tears joining yours. Your memories go back to a previous boyfriend, who awkwardly patted your back, a dry grimace of awkwardness painting his face as his voice is lost for words. This time is different. Your current partner knows how to emote, to empathize, to feel. He makes you feel anything but alone.
You’re staring out at the open ocean, the sun coloring everything violet and fuchsia as it sets beyond the horizon. Your legs are tired from the hike, but it was worth it for the view. Plus, his hand is in yours, by your side as you see the wonders of the setting. His hand leaves yours for a moment, and the chill draws your attention to him. He’s no longer standing beside you–he’s on one knee. He tries to choke out how much he loves you as he holds up a beautiful ring, but he can barely get through those monumental four words before they’re swallowed by a lump in his throat.
You can’t picture your life without him, the man so in touch with his feelings. The man who’s not afraid what people will think. The man who doesn’t let the world’s toxic masculinity define how he should act. You feel safe, you feel heard, and you never want anyone else. Because a man who will cry with you, who will let those tears fall, is the best relationship of your life.