9 Green Flags To Look Out For During The Texting Stage
Toni Frost

9 Green Flags To Look Out For During The Texting Stage

Most of the time, you can tell whether someone is worthy of your attention based on the texts they send in the talking stage. Here are a few green flags that suggest that they’re worth at least a date or two:

They send the first text every once in a while. They aren’t relying on you to carry every single conversation. If they haven’t heard from you in a while, then they’ll send the first message. They’ll get the ball rolling.

They remember little things that you mentioned in previous conversations. They remember names of your relatives or your favorite band or that big test you were worried about taking – and they ask follow-up questions. It’s clear that your words aren’t going in one ear and out the other. They’re actually paying attention when you speak – or text.

They compliment you on aspects other than your looks. They are always talking about how funny you are, how you have great taste in music, and how you’re so much smarter than they are. Basically, they like you for more than your looks. They’re loving your personality, too.

They are (usually) consistent when it comes to answering you. They don’t stop talking to you mid-conversation and leave you wondering where they went. Your conversations usually have a clear beginning and an end.

They put effort into their messages to keep the conversation going. They say more than hey and lol when they’re texting you. They come up with actual conversation starters and ask you questions and talk about their day. Basically, they are giving you more than one-word answers so the conversation doesn’t feel one-sided.

They talk about set days they want to see you. It’s great if they vaguely mention places they want to take you one day – but it’s even better if they actually name a time and a place. If they’re setting concrete plans with you, it shows they’re serious about hanging out with you. They aren’t just talking the talk. They genuinely want to see you. 

They actually reply to your questions. If they dance around questions about how they’re spending their weekends and refuse to tell you anything substantial about their life, that’s a little sketchy. They don’t have to tell you their whole life story, but if they are withholding basic information from you, it could be a red flag.

They treat you with respect. This should be a given, but they aren’t worth your time if they’re making rude jokes or are giving you backhanded compliments. You deserve someone who treats you well from the start. If they aren’t going to respect you over the phone, they certainly won’t in person.

You don’t need hours to come up with reply texts. In the beginning, you might be nervous texting this person since you like them so much. But if you make a good match, it shouldn’t feel like pulling teeth to come up with a reply. Your conversation should flow naturally. You should feel comfortable typing whatever pops into your head and having an organic conversation with them.