The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With An Unguarded Man
German Lopez

The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With An Unguarded Man

The best relationship of your life will be with a man who really lets his guard down and lets you into his heart. A man who isn’t afraid to be vulnerable in front of you and express his feelings in a straightforward way. This type of man isn’t going to hold back his feelings in order to avoid fights because he understands that the only way a relationship is going to stay strong is if you are completely honest and open with each other. He would never want to keep you in the dark because he respects you too much to lie or keep secrets. He doesn’t want there to be any mystery in the relationship. He wants you to know him intimately, inside and out. 

The best relationship of your life will be with an unguarded man because you’ll never have to guess what he’s thinking. He won’t leave you wondering whether you’re on different pages, whether he’s lost interest, whether he’s as invested in the relationship as you are. He will tell you exactly how he feels – and his actions will match his words. He won’t blurt out whatever he thinks will keep you happiest in the moment unless he means it with his whole heart. He will be real and raw with you, no matter how awkward things might get between you. He’ll want you to see the real him and he’ll want to see the real you, too.

The best relationship of your life will be with an unguarded man because you’ll be able to have real, emotionally intelligent conversations. You won’t have to worry about scaring him away on your bad days because he’ll be there for you during good times and bad times. He won’t make you feel weird about crying in front of him because he’ll be comfortable handling emotions. And he won’t shy away from hard conversations. If something is important to you, then he’ll want to hear it. He’ll be happy to listen and to do whatever he can to get you smiling again.

The best relationship of your life will be with an unguarded man because he will always feel present. Unlike exes who might have kept you at arm’s length in order to protect themselves, he will never feel emotionally distant. When you’re in the same room, it will never feel like he’s a thousand miles away because he will fill you in on what he’s thinking. He will let you know when he needs space, when he needs a hug, or when he needs to think, so there won’t be any miscommunication. You’ll understand what he’s going through because he’ll tell you. He won’t pretend everything is fine to avoid dragging you into his messes or to avoid looking flawed in front of you. He understands that you’re a team and lying is only going to pull you further apart, so he will be honest at all times. He will stay transparent and treat you like a real teammate.  

The best relationship of your life will be with an unguarded man because there won’t be any secrets between you. He’ll be one hundred percent authentic, so you’ll never have to wonder how he really feels.