Powerful, Inspirational Love Lessons From HBO’s ‘Barry’

Beautiful, Inspirational Relationship Lessons From HBO’s Barry

Barry is one of the most entertaining shows on television right now. Although you probably don’t want to end up like him, he can teach you a lot. Here are some beautiful, inspirational lessons from Barry:

You can’t expect a relationship to save you. No one else can convince you to change. Not even someone you love. Barry knows this firsthand. Even though he ended up in a relationship with Sally, a woman that he believed was perfect for him, it didn’t change his behavior. He kept falling back into bad patterns. His love for her didn’t make a difference because he needs to decide to change. It’s not her job to fix him. Remember, love won’t magically save your life. You have to do the work yourself.

If someone treats you poorly, leave (even if they’re better than your ex). Sally was in an abusive relationship and got herself out. Then she met Barry and ended up putting up with his bad behavior. But just because Barry was better than her ex doesn’t mean that he was treating her right. He was still screaming at her, disrespecting her, and lying to her. So she got herself out again. She chose herself because it’s so much better to leave than to stay in a relationship that is hurting you in any way.

If you can’t be honest with each other, the relationship is never going to work. There was always going to be a disconnect between Barry and Sally because he was never entirely honest with her. He was holding back a lot about his past because he knew that she would never accept the real him. But in real life, you can’t hold back bits and pieces from your partner. You need to be transparent with them. Tell them the truth, even when it’s awkward. Otherwise, you are never going to last as a couple.

When you love someone, you will go to great lengths to be there for them. NoHo Hank and Cristobal love each other enough to sacrifice their lives for each other. They didn’t care about putting themselves in danger if it meant that their partner was going to be okay. They have the most powerful love story on the show because their love is pure. They genuinely care about each other. It’s not an act. Their actions match their words. They are willing to go to great lengths for each other.

Your person should support your big dreams. The one good thing about Barry and Sally was how much they supported each other. They encouraged each other to chase after their career dreams, and when they had good news to share, they celebrated and were genuinely happy for each other’s accomplishments. Instead of being jealous, they were happy to see each other happy. However, another important thing to remember is that this one thing wasn’t enough to make the relationship work. It proves that, just because someone is good for you in one way doesn’t mean they’re good for you overall. You can’t let the good moments convince you to stay while ignoring the bad moments.