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5 Zodiacs That Embrace Their Savage Nature

5. Aquarius The Intellectual Savage

Innovative Aquarius has a deep drive to protect the vulnerable and to advocate for progressive change. When they sense a threat to these ideals, Aquarius is quick to serve back logic, facts, and a touch of condescending humor. This air sign isn’t afraid to stand apart from the crowd and has no need to be the loudest in the room. Aquarius naturally makes their component question the validity of their argument on the deepest level. 

4. CapricornThe Strategic Savage

As a hardworking earth sign, Capricorn is gifted with innate qualities of leadership and patience. Not one to be aggressive, Capricorn holds firm boundaries and will cut others off when crossed. They’re calculated, strategic, and purpose-driven, often preferring to one-up someone when situations get heated. If friends, family, or the vulnerable are hurt, Capricorn schemes to ensure the one in the wrong ends up falling short. 

3. LeoThe Dramatic Savage

Leo loves the spotlight and prioritizes sharing it with others. They heavily value loyalty and seek to build a sense of family with those who come into their circle. While Leo comes across as fiercely confident, they typically enact rather than speak through painful emotions. This expressive sign can struggle with emotional vulnerability and often holds grudges when hurt.

2. AriesThe Blunt Savage

As the passionate fire sign who kicks off the start of the Zodiac year, Aries places great value on the direction they’re headed and will ruthlessly follow suit. This sign isn’t afraid to assert their standards and jumps quickly into action. Not prone to overthink things, Aries says what’s on their mind with ease. They have a zero-tolerance policy for excuses, fake-ness, and playing games. With a desire to move forward, Aries refuses to let past arguments bring them down.

1. ScorpioThe Fully Aware Savage

Intuitive and emotional, Scorpio dives into the depths of their own and others’ experiences. They have a keen ability to see through others’ intentions, often guarding their heart when entering new relationships. The trust of a Scorpio is hard-earned. If betrayed, they know just the words to sharply impact you. This water sign is fiercely attentive, picking up on subtle cues that others lay unaware of. They won’t use this insight against you—until given reason to.