Agency / Midjourney

4 Zodiacs Who Respond Best To Reverse Psychology

We all know that person (or maybe we ARE that person) – the one who simply can’t be told what to do.

When you make a suggestion or ask them to do something, they do the exact opposite, whether it benefits them or not. Some people just can’t stand being ordered around, and astrology just might have something to do with it. Here are the four zodiac signs who respond best to reverse psychology, and how you can get them to take your advice.


Aries people are impossible to control because they are defiant and independent. As the very first sign of the zodiac, Aries is the “baby” of astrology. Telling them what to do is like ordering a toddler to go to bed right after giving them sugar – it’s not going to happen. They are so independent that they’ll reject your advice because they want to make their own way in the world and figure things out for themselves. They’d rather mess up and learn from their mistakes than do what someone else tells them to. Also, Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of war, making Aries people naturally combative and argumentative.

Reverse psychology works on them because they take it as a dare, and they just can’t resist a good dare. If you say something like, “Well, I would NEVER do (fill in the blank) in your situation, that just sounds too risky or scary,” they hear, “You should absolutely do (fill in the blank) because it’s the coolest way to handle it, most people are just too scared to try it, but not you!”


Leos can’t be told what to do because they like being the ones in charge, and taking orders makes them feel inferior. And, as a fixed sign, they are very set in their ways and reluctant to accept criticism or advice. As the zodiac symbolized by the proud lion, Leos consider themselves the leader of the pack. They form little families, or packs, everywhere they go, making friends easily with their warmth and good humor. They also consider themselves the head of these families, automatically assuming a leadership role. 

If you want to make a Leo do something, you’ve got to convince them it was their idea. When you’re both deciding what to have for dinner and you really want pizza, try saying something like, “Weren’t you just saying the other day that you were craving pizza? There’s a new place nearby that we could be the first ones to try, if you’d like.” An invitation like that is too good for a Leo to resist – you made it sound like it’s something they thought of and really wanted, AND they get to be the first one to try a trend and tell their packs/families/friends about it.


It is very, VERY hard to get a Scorpio to do what you want. That’s because Scorpio is a water sign, and water signs are known for their sensitivity and intuition. Thanks to these traits, Scorpios know what you’re thinking and feeling, so it’s impossible to deceive them. Furthermore, Scorpio is guided by Pluto, the planet of power. This means that Scorpios love being in control – they like being the ones to manipulate people, not the other way around. 

When you’re trying to get a Scorpio to take your advice, there can’t be even a hint of deception – they will detect it immediately and shut down. You have to say as little as possible and be honest. You can try telling them sincerely what you would do, but make sure it doesn’t come off as a suggestion. Say, “I would do (fill in the blank) in that situation, but that’s just me. What do you think?” Listen to them without correcting, interrupting, or trying to push your opinion on them again. Then say, “Whatever you think is best.” You have planted the seed in their mind by telling them what YOU would do without ordering them to do it. Scorpios are overthinkers, so don’t worry, they will continue considering what you have to say and just might take your reverse psychology advice. 


Aquarius is perhaps the number one zodiac that responds well to reverse psychology. And there’s almost zero twist or nuance to it; you just have to straight up tell them to do the exact opposite of what you think they should do. That’s because Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of rebellion and individuality. Thanks to Uranus, Aquarians are the ultimate contrarians; they love to play devil’s advocate, and they HATE being told what to do. They would much rather forge their own new path than take a well-traveled trail. Their innovative minds are always searching for new or unique ways of doing things, and they reject traditional methods. 

If you tell an Aquarius what to do, they will do the reverse – every. Single. Time. When it’s important for them to be punctual, say something like, “Take your time getting there, everyone knows it’s cool to be late to these things.” When you see huge red flags in their relationship, gush over their partner and say that you’re “so happy to see them in a stable, committed, traditional, normal relationship.” Sure, being dishonest doesn’t feel great, and it could backfire. But the fact is, you are more likely to get an Aquarius to do what you want by suggesting the opposite.