Maksim Goncharenok

Horoscope For Today: Saturday, March 15, 2025

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Today has the potential to be positive and healing for the zodiac signs if we can avoid jumping to conclusions!

Today, the moon is in the diplomatic, social sign of Libra, which suggests a softer approach to emotions and a focus on others’ feelings when making decisions. The moon first opposes Mercury in Aries, which can lead to disillusionment between ourselves and others. We may be tempted to act impulsively to avoid feeling tension. 

Later, though, the moon forms a supportive trine to Jupiter in Gemini, making our social interactions more successful and positive than usual. We may experience more luck and opportunities and feel more optimistic about what is happening in our lives, which can help us feel confident as we work through any miscommunications that came up earlier in the day.

Check your signs below (Rising and Sun!) to see what today has in store for you!


You want to be heard by your loved ones today, Aries. When your feelings seem unacknowledged, it’s easy to make assumptions or think the worst about yourself—especially if the perceived rejection comes from the ones you love the most. However, if you are willing to take a step back and analyze the situation, you’ll realize that your worst-case scenarios aren’t the reality—and being honest about how you’ve been feeling can open up opportunities to be cared for the way you are craving.


It feels like a battle between your head and heart today, Taurus, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s difficult to feel your value lies in what you do for others, and it can be hard to express those emotions when you can’t fully understand them yourself. An important reminder you need today is that while what you do should be appreciated and acknowledged, it’s not the only thing that gives you self-worth. There are many facets to you, and taking the time to explore those qualities and values today may help ease your mind.


It’s hard feeling misunderstood, Gemini. When you’re striving to enjoy life and tap into what makes you happy, it may not always be something others understand, even your friends who know you well. It’s worth remembering that you aren’t required to explain every aspect of yourself to others for these sides of you to be worth exploring. Being yourself and learning what brings you to life is worth the discovery, and the people who care deeply for you will want to support you (even if they don’t fully get it). 


It’s important to rest, Cancer. Understandably, there is pressure between the need for rest and caring for yourself and worrying about what that means for your career if you aren’t always “giving it your all.” Even if your job isn’t the most important thing to you, there will always be pressure to go above and beyond. However, if you keep pushing yourself to your breaking point, you won’t be able to keep things going, so it’s important to assert what you need and take time for yourself in whatever ways are possible for you. It’s hard to stand up for yourself, but sometimes it’s needed. 


Wanting to go outside of your comfort zone can be nerve-wracking, Leo. Part of you longs to stick with what is familiar, but logically, you feel there is more to explore that you should be taking by the reigns and experiencing. Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that there are people in our lives who can help us with exploration without having to take a crazy risk or do something drastic—connecting with others who share the same desires will likely open doors for you that you didn’t know existed. 


You’re self-sufficient, Virgo, and today, you’re clinging tightly to this quality for better or worse. Your desire to take care of yourself is admirable, but of course, we all have to depend on others sometimes—and that can be hard for you to stomach. The reality is that you can’t avoid getting help from people to get you where you want to go—rather than resisting, make the most of it and take advantage of the opportunities you’re given. You may be surprised where it takes you. 


It’s hard to separate others’ needs from your own, Libra. You feel the tension between what you need to feel more like yourself and what the people you love may need from you. Today, in particular, some miscommunication could make you feel as though your loved ones aren’t supportive of you in the ways you need. However, if you can express what’s on your heart, you may find ways to take your life into your own hands without feeling as though you’re neglecting anyone. You deserve to expand your horizons and discover new things about yourself—don’t hold yourself back out of fear. 


You can’t always avoid the heavy stuff, Scorpio. You’re no stranger to intense emotion, but even for you, it can sometimes feel like it’s too much. The temptation to avoid it by engaging in practical tasks and keeping your mind busy can only work for so long before everything inside you explodes. Rather than distraction, it’s time to sit with the feelings and get to the bottom of them—-potentially with a therapist or trusted confidant. Working through them will help things lighten up, rather than you continuing to carry the weight around.


Feeling the pull between being yourself and blending in with others is heavy on your mind today, Sagittarius. You don’t want to feel as though you’re just going along with the crowd, but connecting and spending time with others who share your views doesn’t automatically make you someone who is following a trend. Talking with your friends about your unique perspectives on a particular topic can remind you that you have opinions and viewpoints worth exploring—don’t stress about being just another face in the crowd. 


Finding a work/life balance isn’t always easy, Capricorn. You’re striving to keep doing more to get you where you want to be in your career (and your life long-term), but sometimes the pressures of taking care of your home life can feel like you have to pick and choose. Being transparent about where your priorities are right now isn’t easy, but it is necessary. You may find opportunities that will open up if you can keep up your hard work, so work to give yourself a set amount of time to dedicate to your work life so that you aren’t consumed by it.


Sometimes, being able to explore helps bring us closer to ourselves, Aquarius. There is a desire to go out and experience something new—there is so much about the world you don’t know. There can be self-doubt or discouragement from those who would prefer you to stay in what is known. Even if well-intentioned, it can feel like a harsh blow to feel you aren’t supported. However, if you feel passionate about this, you need to be able to take the leap—you may be surprised by what it reveals to you about yourself and what doors open up when you’re willing to honor what you need.


Sometimes, it’s hard to grapple with the unknown, Pisces. You know some issues need to be addressed, but it can feel destabilizing to deal with when you aren’t sure exactly what will come up. You desire to protect yourself and feel secure, but it’s hard to think about engaging with anything that could threaten that. However, if you’re willing to take the time to work through these issues, you’ll realize how much more secure and stable you will feel and the trust you can build, rather than avoiding “rocking the boat” just to keep things easy.