The Truth About Astrological Compatibility That Changes Your Love Life
When it comes to general astrological compatibility, otherwise known as synastry, it’s actually a lot easier to grasp than you think— some would even say it’s elementary. If you want to understand who you are most compatible with, look no further than your sign’s element. All 12 zodiac signs fall under one of the four elements of Fire, Earth, Air or Water, and while it tells you a lot about yourself — it also tells you a lot about who you get along with.
When it comes to the synastry or compatibility of signs based on the elements, the rules are rather simple. Signs of the same element almost always get along because they are operating at the same level or caliber. There is a harmony and initial understanding between them. Other than that it’s typically Earth and Water, or Fire and Air couples that make the best pairs. They are complementary elements that are supportive to one another.
Let’s take a look at the deeper dynamics of the six most compatible combos.
Water & Water
A Water on Water combo is bound to be one sentimental and sensual relationship. For they both operate in the realm of feeling. There is a continuous harmony to the way they express themselves.When they are around each other you feel both thrilled and safe. This pair has a real capacity to form a deep and everlasting bond. One where they are completely in tune with each other, with no boundaries, a whole lot of compassion, they can work toward mending their souls into one. There is a natural ease and flow to the way they love each other.
Earth & Earth
An Earth on Earth pairing is one to reckon with. Oh the things they could do, and the life they could build together. These two don’t play when it comes to earning and lifestyle. As one, they can actually expect to be spending a lot of time off together, enjoying the fruits of their labor. There is something real tangible about their love, and yet something so serene. They are each other’s rocks, the motivating force and the sanctuary they come home to when life has chewed them up and spit them out. Day in and day out this couple stays committed.
Earth & Water
(Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn with Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces )
The Earth and Water couple is an unstoppable one. Perhaps it’s because they are both tender and nurturing within their own ways, and naturally supportive of one another. Earth helps Water with skills like reasoning, allowing them to ground their energy and channel it into something productive. While Water helps typically stoic Earth lean into their feelings and teaches them how to express emotions. Both create a healthy environment for the other, and it is often one that fosters a lot of personal growth for all. Their love is gentle, but provides all the nourishment for a happy and satisfying life together.
Air & Air
When two Air signs get together, it’s a whirlwind of excitement. They just get each other and this natural liking can keep them entertained for hours. Together they can dive into complex subjects and have philosophical or abstract debates until the cows come home. With this couple there is an eagerness to not just learn, but do so from each other. They both push each other to their and encourage the best in their partner. Being a challenger when it’s needed and an ally when it comes time to defend. They help each other make their dreams, thoughts or ideas into reality.
Fire & Fire
(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
Talk about setting eachother off. A Fire on Fire relationship sure is spicy in all the right ways. Right off the bat, they share a zest and excitement for life and can come together in an explosion of passion. They also have a similar natural enthusiasm, and can get each other all riled up at just the right moment. There is an exuberant and exhilarating feeling to this match, but on a deeper level this relationship is enlightening for all involved. This couple really fuels and motivates each other. When it comes to expressing affection, it can sometimes get too hot to handle.
Fire & Air
(Aries, Leo or Sagittarius with Gemini, Libra or Aquarius)
This is quite a dynamic duo. For the Air strokes the flames of Fire. There can be a quick attraction and magnetic pull between these two. They both need adventure and excitement, as it all comes down to the experiences they share together. Never a dull moment, they both like to keep busy and keep moving, so when they get together there is a sense of being with someone who can keep up. Fire teaches Air to take bold action, without getting too caught-up in the details. Air helps Fire learn to use logic and act rationally. Sparks typically fly when these two meet, and there is a creative energy between them. This union never lacks passion, which helps keep the romance alive.
Keep in mind that the comparison of elements can be done for all placements, including Moon, Venus, Mercury signs, etc. and not just self-identifying Sun signs. Also if your synastry doesn’t quite match-up with your sweetheart or bestie, this doesn’t exactly mean you are incompatible or not meant to be. Synastry is just one layer of relationship astrology. There are other facets and methods, like composite charts, that also look at relationship dynamics.