Veronika Malchevska

Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Table of Contents


Your card: 4 of Pentacles

Be careful when making decisions around spending today. There is a way to be both thrifty and foolish with money, so be sure to evaluate what it is you’re saving and what you’re saving it for. Don’t hold on so tight to your material possessions that you lose track of everything else that brings your life meaning. Generosity has a way of deepening our sense of gratitude and helping us to see the abundance around us. 


Your card: 6 of Swords

There are times when the best thing you can do to help yourself heal is to leave the toxic situation behind, set out on a journey, and go somewhere else to start over. It can be scary when you’re getting away from something as opposed to going towards something, and when the unknown takes over even the most simple of details it can be disquieting on an emotional and spiritual level. This is a situation where you probably won’t be able to go it alone.


Your card: 8 of Pentacles

Refining a skill takes dedication to the details, and disciplined time spent understanding how those skills contribute to the larger whole. There is ultimately no replacement for hard work and persistence in your approach towards mastery, and consistent action can outperform raw talent. Knowledge enriches our lives and infuses our work with meaning, and the process of allocating time, resources, and effort towards building new skills should never end. What skills could help you create the world you want? 


Your card: 6 of Cups

The past feels so much safer when the future seems uncertain. Understanding how the emotional experiences of our past have helped mold our current selves is important, but be wary of allowing nostalgia to give way to too much escapism. How are the memories you are reliving connected to thes situation that you are currently navigating, and what were the lessons you learned? How much have you grown since then, and how did those experiences contribute?


Your card: 4 of Cups

You may be feeling pretty low, and certainly the sort of boredom and jadedness with life you’re experiencing is leading you to be more apathetic than usual, which can result in missed opportunities. It may require a shift in perspective, but focus on what is present instead of what is lacking. Slow things down for a moment so you can take them in. You’ll understand the abundance that surrounds you if you can make mental and emotional space for wonder.  


Your card: 8 of Wands

When change happens, it can happen quickly. It can be mind-boggling how fast things feel like they move, especially after feeling stuck for a long time. Today is going to require that you’re able to move fast, so be prepared as you might have to make some slight adjustments to ensure you’re on course. Take advantage of the tremendous energy that you’re experiencing by identifying your priorities and using the momentum to fast-track some progress in areas where you’ve been feeling stagnant.  


Your card: Ace of Swords, Reversed

This situation fooled you into thinking it was going to be smooth sailing, but all you’ve found is a bumpy and unpredictable ride. Instead of being able to clearly visualize your path forward, you’ve been mired down by all of the details and are finding yourself in a state of analysis paralysis. It’s hard to maintain focus, and it’s been far too easy to be mentally derailed coming up with ‘what if’ scenarios. To break free, focus on tiny steps that are sure to have a positive benefit.


Your card: The Sun, Reversed

Everything feels good right now, maybe a bit too good – maybe a bit too overstimulating. Just remember when things feel too good to be true, that you worked hard to get to where you are. Instead of allowing your inner critic to repeat the narrative of how you aren’t deserving of joy and happiness, remind yourself of how far you’ve come. You are worthy of goodness and grace. Don’t deny yourself this time in the light.


Your card: Death, Reversed

There is a season for everything, and change is upon you. It’s futile to resist it, and can cause more pain in the long run. Instead of holding on to your grief of what you are about to let go of, celebrate what you are inviting in. Acknowledge how far you’ve come and how much farther you’d like to go. Give yourself the space and time you need to accept the changes you need to make so you can transform into who you’d like to become.


Your card: 6 of Pentacles

Charity can lead at least two to discover a path to gratitude and abundance – the one who gives and the one who receives. Just as it’s a special gift to us to be in the prosperous situation of being able to give, it’s a gift to be the one chosen to receive in our time of need. Be mindful to keep the balances correct, and don’t allow someone to take too much from you (nor should you take more than you need). Open-heartedness and generosity lead to a deeper understanding of the world that is rooted in compassion. 


Your card: Judgement

As it’s Aquarius season it’s not surprising that you are feeling such a profound call to authenticity right now and that you’re feeling an inevitable pull towards a time of soul-searching – and reckoning. There are changes you’ve been wanting to make to bring yourself more into alignment with who you’ve been trying to become. You’ve learned that it’s not work abandoning your progress or the person you want to be for the approval of those around you. 


Your card: 2 of Wands

We all know the feeling of reaching the tipping point – the point at which there’s no stopping us from getting out there into the unknown. Make sure you’re prepared before setting out, preparedness is a way of bringing ‘risk’ more into balance with ‘adventure.’ If you stay forever, delaying until everything is perfect, you’ll never initiate your journey. Likewise, it’s important you have access to the resources and skills you’ll need to navigate.