Horoscope For Today: Friday, January 31, 2025
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Today, Friday, January 31, the moon is fresh off of a new moon in Aquarius and moving from 3°-17° through dreamy, imaginative Pisces. The Moon encourages us to take our new Moon intentions and envision the possibilities of bringing them into action as it waxes from its dark moon phase here in Pisces. In the afternoon the moon makes a tense but potent square to Jupiter, encouraging us to dig deep as we brainstorm ideas around manifesting our new moon intentions, then the Moon finishes off the day in conjunction with Saturn, asking us to consider where our need to expand is being met with limitations and boundaries.
The cosmos are quite busy today, as Venus and Neptune come together right next to the north node of destiny, encouraging us to embrace our own artistic creativity as we dream of the possibilities that lie on our path ahead. However, this connection does bear heeding an inclination towards escapism and leaning just a little bit too far into our fantasy worlds. Early on in the day the Sun in Aquarius makes a supportive trine to Jupiter in Gemini, creating a flowing conversation encouraging us to consider how we want to grow and expand, and what out-of-the-box ideas might nudge us where we need to go. Finally, Mars, the planet of action still on its retrograde journey, heads into a square with Chiron, the wounded healer who encourages us to confront our own pain in order to reap our greatest gifts. Because squares are challenging aspects that present us with tremendous potential, this connection asks us to consider how we might best realign our current course of action to better come into integrity with our own healing path.
Read on to find out how the cosmos will impact your sun, moon, and rising sign, and the invitation they are putting forth for you to best harness their energy for your own alignment.
Aries, today is an invitation for you to step back, take some time to yourself, and retreat inward. The transition into 2025 has not quite been the kind of blazing start you prefer, but as we finish off January, this is a moment for you to check in with yourself as you take some time for solitude. Most importantly, check in with yourself about how you can best honor where you’re currently at before you move forward, and how you can center your greatest gifts in a way that feels fulfilling and empowering to you.
As we come to the end of January, the first month of 2025, you’re being invited to dream big, think about your aspirations, and set some intentions that honor the desire at the root of them and how you can allow that to guide you forward. You may find yourself bumping up against the reality of your circumstances and placing confinements around where your soul wants to go, but don’t be afraid to get fantastical today, Taurus! Let your imagination go to wild and creative places and worry about the how later.
Let yourself think expansively today about what’s to come, Gemini. How can you look to the world at large to shape your vision of what’s possible? What do you dream of contributing to the world and being known for? You may have been feeling a bit rocky and tender the last few days as you’ve come into confrontation with some tough-to-swallow truths that may have you feeling like you need to redirect, but hang in there, Gemini, renewal and inspiration is just on the horizon. Perhaps a little daydreaming escapism is just the medicine you need today.
Today you may find yourself reflecting on your desire for growth bumping up against your own boundaries and limitations, Cancer. Where are you internally bumping up against walls that want to come down? Where do your own boundaries need just a bit of re-adjusting in order for you to create space for the growth you crave right now? Leaning into broadening your horizons may be the key to the perspective shift you need in order to confront those questions. Engaging in spiritual practice, disciplined study, or philosophical reflection might be exactly the thing you need today.
Leo, you may find yourself feeling a bit of blues today. Perhaps your transition into 2025 wasn’t quite the shift you had hoped for, you still feel stalled in things you’ve been hoping to spring into action, or perhaps you’re still carrying a bit of the staleness of 2024 with you. Let yourself step back and embrace a more expansive perspective today and recognize that your aspirations and visions for yourself do have a bigger picture and you’re not going to get there overnight. Take some time today to talk it out with a friend, partner, or loved one. Gain a little bit of outside perspective and you might just be a little surprised by the way your own truth spills out of you when you get out of your own head and talk it out a bit.
The transition into 2025 has brought you into a space of reckoning with the parts of yourself and your identity that it’s time to let go of, and what kind of relationships are going to help you grow and find alignment in your life. This is going to be a recurring theme and question presenting itself throughout the year, so as we finish off the first month of 2025, ask yourself what kind of relationships you want to welcome into your life and what do you need to release in order to welcome that in? Focus on grounding into your day to day routine and consider what changes on the mundane level are going to help you make the bigger changes you want to see in your life this year.
Libra, today is all about dreaming big and imagining your fantasy life when it comes to what you want your daily life to look like. What are the wildest, most fantastical dreams that you hold dear and how can you show up to your day to day through your habits and routines that will ultimately actualize that vision? Allow the details to build the bigger picture here, and don’t be afraid to let your artistic, creative side flourish. After all, you could never settle for a life that is less than perfectly harmonic and beautiful.
Scorpio, today is inviting you to think about how you can let authenticity and creativity guide the way forward for you. What would bring a little bit of reinvigoration into your life? Perhaps there are some topics that you’ve been really wanting to dig into and research to learn more about, or even a spiritual or healing modality that’s been calling out to you. Get focused while letting your imagination and curiosity guide the way as you do what you do best–investigate and dig deep beneath the surface of something that captivates you.
For you, Sagittarius, today’s all about embracing a vision for how you want to shift the structure of your life in 2025, and most importantly, what it would look and feel like for you to do that in a nourishing way from a root level. Today’s the perfect day to dig into some home organization and cleaning while giving yourself the time and space to meander, get distracted by the treasures you find, and let your imagination run wild. Keep a journal nearby to jot down your thoughts and ideas. Let your intentions for the rest of the year form themselves by simply grounding into your space and finding what captivates you in your own surroundings.
Take some time to connect with some friends today, Capricorn. Allow those conversations and connections reinvigorate your sense of imagination around what’s possible to create and cultivate within your own network and community. You always bring a sense of discipline and focus to the table when it comes to making dreams a reality, but let yourself meander and wander a bit today before putting yourself to work in the nitty gritty of it all. You may find that lingering in these imaginative conversations with others helps alleviate the pressure to take action before you’re ready.
Aquarius, today is inviting you to take a little bit of life inventory when it comes to your resources. Of course this brings to mind our material resources, like possessions and wealth, but think beyond this today, Aquarius. What intangible resources do you hold that can help cultivate a stronger sense of abundance in your life? What innate gifts and talents do you have, what core values do you hold? With the moon waxing into Pisces fresh off of a new moon in your own sign, you’re being encouraged to consider what steps will help manifest the resources you need to bring forth more abundance in your life. What resources do you currently have, material or intangible, and what resources can you expand upon to create more abundance in your life?
Aquarius season always brings you into a space of inward reflection and solitude, so as the Moon moves through your own sign today you’re being invited to embrace a bit of self-care and nurturance. You may find that pampering yourself and tending to your nervous system is just the key to embracing a much-needed sense of optimism that stands to bring you back into touch with yourself. Take some time today to engage in some creative, artistic outlets and allow that to work as a meditation to bring you into reflection around bringing your focus to the growth you envision for yourself that will carry you forward on your life’s path this year.