6 Zodiacs Pivoting Into A New Life Era This Week (Thanks To The New Moon In Aquarius)
New Moon’s are always a magical moment, fresh starts and new beginnings abound, but the New Moon in Aquarius on January 29 is extra special. Not only is it Lunar New Year— this one also has a radical cosmic oomph behind it. First and foremost, the lunation will make an uplifting and supportive alignment to blessing-bestower Jupiter. This alone points to expansion and note-worthy developments. To top it all off, the out-of-left-field ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, stations direct less than 24 hours later and thrust us into the throes of change. We’re all entering a new era, but there are six zodiac signs that are bound to feel this radical shift as they embrace the next chapter of their lives— or throw the book out and write a new story all together.
No surprise here Aquarius! Your season officially kicks into high gear with the New Moon in your sign. For the first time, you’re experiencing the transits with power-player Pluto in your sign for the foreseeable future. This is your chance to transform into the ideal version of yourself. While you may wear many different hats in the years to follow— Pluto works slowly and subtly, this New Moon is particularly about defining your beliefs. Make sure that what you believe, what you tell yourself everyday, aligns with the future leader you see. It is time to look at yourself in a brand new light, and it may be especially auspicious to focus on your hobbies, having fun and your intimate relationships. These types of activities and connections could give you another perspective. Make sure you’re not isolating yourself but also stay private about your plans and findings. Only share with a trusted few. This will ensure you start off with a set of beliefs that is purely your own. You are entering an era of becoming who you were always meant to be.
Get ready to set some new goals, because all the one’s on the list may be crossed off. This New Moon brings you the opportunity to step up and lead the way. You are about to enter your boss era, as people are taking notice of what you bring to the table, Taurus. It’s time to serve-up a feast! This New Moon is ideal for envisioning the next level, and about further capitalizing on your success. It is now time to be visible, share your story and take some risks, as Uranus stations direct in your sign. Trust the process and when in doubt trust your gut. You don’t need to have control over every facet, if you can loosen your grip the Universe meets you half-way with more abundance than you thought was possible. You’re entering an era of achievement and recognition— one where you get to shine.
Forever curious, there is no limit to how far you’d go to get the correct information, to explore and find your personal truth. Currently, you may be offered just that on a silver platter. The Universe arrives with exactly what you need. You’ll get the opportunity to get up and go with the New Moon in Aquarius. At the end of the day, this is truly about growth— especially with the influence of benefic Jupiter in your sign. Whether you get accepted into a school or program you applied for on a whim, or win a trip abroad— it’s important to say yes and experience life to the fullest. If you find a good deal on a weekend retreat, snag it! This is a chance to really broaden your horizons, both literally and figuratively. Traveling to new places and trying new things will help you expand your mind, which opens up a new world of possibilities. You might not really reap the rewards until the latter half of the year rolls around. Take the chances you get now to ensure your future success. You’re entering an era of profound wisdom and using it to your advantage.
You might find yourself in the embrace of someone very special— or at the very least wrapped up in that delicious self-love. The New Moon in Aquarius brings a radical transformation to your relationship oriented sector. Whether this means finally finding the right fit, or breaking free from the chains of a toxic relationship, you’ll feel fabulous at the end of your day. This is a new lease on life indeed, and many Lions may be experiencing true love for the first time. From here on out all your romantic connections require a certain depth. If single, you’ll likely meet your next partner on an app or through your network. If you’re happily paired-off you might be making a stronger commitment. This time can especially bring you deeper into your own heart. There are still lessons on the road ahead, but when it comes to relationships you’re starting an exciting new journey. This New Moon gives you a clear vantage point as the winds of change blow you toward the long-lasting bond you’ve always desired. You’re entering your love era, for sure.
Make your days work for you Virgo! The New Moon in Aquarius could bring about some big changes in your day to day life. Let’s talk work life for a moment— it’s highly likely that there will be a shift, this could mean you accepting a new job or a promotion/changing of roles. You’re taking a step up and probably gaining a little more power in the process. If you run your own business, this could mean taking on employees or outsourcing time consuming tasks. The goal is more flexibility in your daily schedule to promote a greater focus on wellbeing. Embracing a healthier lifestyle now can save you from issues down the road. Some Virgos might have no choice but to change their lifestyle habits. It’s time to optimize your mind, body and soul, so you can show up as your best self. You’re entering an era where your peace and satisfaction is a top priority.
Big changes may be happening at home. This New Moon is likely to bring an opportunity your way. Whether you’re moving house, renovating, purchasing a home, expanding your family or shacking-up with your sweetheart— this is major Scorpio! Even if you’ve been working towards it or hoping for this, it’s a true blessing nonetheless. Keep in mind that what you are currently taking on is going to require a lot of work on your part, so be sure to rest up and plan accordingly. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t celebrate! Whatever you are undertaking is bound to fill your heart for years to come. While you’ll be full of joy, you might also be mourning what you’re leaving behind. The process of up-rooting begins, and while that can be painful in itself, remember that you’re replanting something much grander. This is more than just a change at home, but a new beginning. One that will probably lead to a deeper love and sense of fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams. You’re entering an era of home truly being where your heart is.