6 Red Flags That You’ve Fallen For A Heartbreaker
Karolína Maršálková

6 Red Flags You’ve Fallen For A Heartbreaker

Some people are bound to break your heart, which is why you should be careful about who you let into your world. Make sure that you can trust them before you invest too much time and energy into them. Make sure that they are really worth the trouble so you don’t end up with regrets. Here are a few signs that you’ve fallen for a serious heartbreaker:

They refuse to make commitments to you – even small ones. They won’t commit to a relationship, but they won’t commit to a date either. They won’t commit to a time and place to meet up with you. They won’t give you a solid yes about whether they want to see a certain concert or movie with you. With them, everything is up in the air. They never make any promises to you because, that way, they can’t break any promises.

They are always flirting with others in front of you. Some people consider flirting harmless – but if you don’t feel that way, a relationship with a big flirt is never going to last. You need to be on the same page about your boundaries. You need to agree on where to draw the line, on what is appropriate and what is considered cheating in your eyes.

They have some uncomfortable opinions on relationships. If they’re always talking about the fact that they don’t believe in labels or that they think everyone is going to cheat eventually, that’s a red flag. Their opinions matter. Their opinions show you what type of person you’re dealing with here. And if they have a really poor view on monogamy, and monogamy is the only thing you’re interested in pursuing, you might not be the best fit. 

They have a long history of bad breakups. There’s nothing wrong with someone having a long dating history, but you should pay attention to how they talk about their exes and the end of old relationships. If they’ve broken a bunch of hearts in the past, there’s a chance they could break yours too. Don’t assume that you’re the exception. If they haven’t treated their last partners well, then there’s a good chance that the same might happen to you.

They don’t show much concern for your feelings. The way they behave on a smaller scale will show you how they’ll behave on a bigger scale in the future. That means, if they don’t care when they hurt your feelings by leaving your messages unanswered or canceling plans at the last second, they probably won’t care much when they end up breaking your heart in the end. If they show zero concern for your emotions or well-being, you can’t trust them with your heart.

They brag about their other hookups. Listen closely to the way they handle conversations about matters you probably want to keep private. If they’re always bragging to their friends about how many people they’ve slept with or are making fun of the people they’ve dated, it could be a bad sign. You want someone who respects their partners, past and present. You want someone who will talk well about you, even after you’ve parted ways.