6 Red Flags That He Won’t Pull His Weight In The Relationship
Scott Broome

6 Red Flags That He Won’t Pull His Weight In The Relationship

You deserve a partner who puts as much energy into the relationship as you do. Your love shouldn’t feel one-sided. You should have a real teammate who is always there for you. However, that won’t always be the case. Here are some early red flags that he won’t pull his weight in the relationship:

He acts innocent, even when he makes a mistake. He never apologizes for his hurtful actions. He always has someone else to blame. Instead of learning and growing from his mistakes, he acts like he is incapable of making them. He acts like he can do no wrong. Which means he’s never going to give you a genuine apology – and he’s never going to learn from his bad behavior. History is bound to repeat itself throughout the relationship.

He makes himself scarce when things get hard. When you’re in high spirits, he can’t get enough of you. But when you’ve had a bad day and are going through a tough time, he takes longer than usual to answer texts. He makes excuses about why he can’t hang out with you. He waits until you’re in a better mood to come around again. Which means that he doesn’t want you at your lowest. He only wants you when it’s fun – which means a relationship is never going to last.

He makes decisions based on what’s best for him in the moment. He never takes your feelings into consideration before making decisions. Whether he’s ignoring your messages because he’s busy with other people or is canceling dates at the last second when a better opportunity comes along, he’s not thinking about you at all. All he’s thinking about is what’s easiest for him right then. He lives in the moment – but that’s not always a plus.

He relies on other people in other areas of his life. He doesn’t cook or clean up after himself because he expects his parents or his roommates to do the work for him. He assumes that someone else is always going to be around to clean up his messes. And if you end up in a serious relationship with him, that person will be you.

He cares more about his convenience than your happiness. He won’t want to drive a few extra miles to visit you or pick you up when you need a ride to the airport. He’s only going to hang out with you if it’s convenient – or if he’s getting something out of the deal. He’s never going to help you for the sake of being nice because he’s only thinking about himself. He only cares about how what you want impacts him. He couldn’t care less about whether his decisions make your life harder.

He expects you to entertain him. He wants you to pick the date spot. Pick the time. Pick the movie. Pick the food. He doesn’t put any effort into your hangout sessions because he assumes you’re going to do the work for him. He assumes that he can sit back and relax while you do all the hard stuff.