5 Important Lessons You Learn By Age 25
1. People who want you in your life will show you.
As you navigate through your early 20s, you’ll most likely expand your social circle. You’ll meet some new friends, some good friends, and maybe even some lifetime friends. But regardless, it’s important to recognize that only those who value you as much as you value them will stick around for the long game. And that’s okay. Quality over quantity is the name of the game, anyway.
2. Stress Less.
Or at least try to, because it can be difficult sometimes. And that’s okay. While we get lost in the hills and mountains that life will bring, pause, take a deep breath, and realize that things are perfect the way they are. Yes, things may be hard. Yes, you may have approached a fork in the road. But will you remember this in a week from now? How about a month? A year? Two years? Time may leave scars behind, but it leaves lessons and wounds. Perspective trumps all.
3. Time spent on something you’re passionate about is never time wasted.
I’ve spent a lot of time asking myself why I dedicate myself to passions such as writing that don’t necessarily have an end-goal to work towards. And that’s okay. Not everything has to be about working towards something—sometimes it’s okay to just do things cause you love it. It’s not a waste of time if there’s no tangible reward. The best things in life are often a reward in and of itself. Never let anyone tell you that you’re wasting time practicing your craft. We have a short time here, so make the most of it.
4. You’ll never learn how to truly “adult” (or whatever that means).
By 25, I thought I’d have my entire life figured out, but I don’t. I question myself every day and wonder if I’ve made the right choices along the way. I always end up coming to the conclusion that I did, even though I’m still confused about things. That’s because I made decisions in moments that I believed were right at the time. That’s really all you can do in your life and trust that you are being gently guided in the direction of your fullest, most incredible life. It doesn’t need to all make sense right now.
5. You won’t always get the praise you deserve.
And that’s okay, too—you don’t really need it, anyway. Eventually, you’ll realize that any praise you get is a fleeting feeling of glory that means little to nothing if you don’t value yourself without it. The moment you no longer ‘need’ validation from others is the moment you give yourself the space and freedom to decide your own self-worth. Of course, a genuine compliment is always nice, but if you don’t define your own sense of success and failure, you’ll become a victim to chasing other people’s version.
While these are just a few of the things I’ve learned at the age of 25, I still have so much to live for and so much to learn from. I’m thankful for the mini lessons of growth I’ve come to learn over my life, and I hope that you, the reader, give yourself permission to view your life from an open lens and an open heart; because you’ll never know what you may find if you look close enough.