5 Concrete Signs You Should Be More Cautious With Your Heart In Your Next Life Chapter
Thought Catalog Agency

5 Concrete Signs You Should Be More Cautious With Your Heart In Your Next Life Chapter

You don’t want to put yourself in a position where you are going to get hurt again and again, especially by the same person. You need to set boundaries in order to protect yourself from unnecessary pain and heartbreak. Here are the signs you should be more cautious with your heart in your next life chapter:

You keep giving out second (and third and fourth) chances.

If someone makes a bad habit out of hurting you, then you shouldn’t keep them close. You aren’t cruel for cutting them out of your life. If anything, they are cruel for putting you through the same heartbreak over and over again and expecting you to sit there and take it. Although you might love them, you need to set clear boundaries, or walk away from them once and for all. Either way, make it clear that they cannot keep hurting you without facing consequences.

You believe their words without paying attention to their actions.

It’s easy for someone to apologize, especially when they know you well and can predict exactly the right words to say in order to tug at your heartstrings. Even if they are genuinely apologetic in the moment, what matters is whether their actions change moving forward. Their words are meaningless without their behaviors backing it up, so make sure that you pay attention to whether they are following through on the promises they make you when they are trying to get you back on their good side.  

You keep chasing after the same type of people with different faces.

You don’t want to swap one bad partner out for another. When you’re exiting a bad relationship, take some time to think about the qualities you didn’t enjoy in that person, so you can avoid future partners that are basically a clone of them. That way, you won’t keep feeling like you’re stuck in a cycle, getting hurt in the same ways over and over again by different people. Although it’s impossible to know for sure whether someone is a bad idea before you get to know them, there are always red flags you can keep an eye out for.

You assume that forgiveness equals reconciliation.

Even if you can find it in your heart to forgive someone who has betrayed you, that doesn’t mean you need to continue to give them access to you. You can forgive them while wanting nothing to do with them moving forward. They aren’t owed your attention. It doesn’t matter how much history you share or how much you care about each other. If the smartest move is moving away from them, then you have to do that for your own sake. You have to choose you after a lifetime of putting other people first.

You care more about the hearts of others than your own heart.

Your generosity is beautiful, but it’s possible to care about others and care about yourself at the same time. Moving forward, try to keep in mind what you deserve and what would make you happy instead of automatically sacrificing your desires in order to please others. Although it might feel uncomfortable to choose yourself at first, it’s something you should learn to do. Love yourself. Take care of yourself. You deserve it.