5 Concrete Signs It’s Time To Go No Contact With Your Situationship
No contact means just that: No. Contact. This means you don’t interact on social media, you don’t text or call them, and definitely no FaceTime. While some people believe following the no-contact rule will help them win their situationship over, this is not the case. No contact is to help you move forward and nothing else.
That said, here are five definite signs it’s time to go no contact with your situationship.
1. You have been talking for three months or more with no sign it’s going to become serious anytime soon.
Three months is more than enough time to both establish exclusivity and commitment. If it has been three months or more and there is zero indication it will become serious anytime soon, even after you told them you wanted a defined relationship, it’s time to cut ties for sure. On that note…
2. You’re ready for a relationship and they aren’t.
When you’ve expressed that you want a relationship with them and are ready for a commitment right now, did they meet you with something along the lines of, “Let’s just go with the flow and see what happens”? The truth of the matter is they do know where it’s going (nowhere). They just want to enjoy the benefits of having access to you until the situationship runs its course.
3. The situationship is making you anxious.
When you’re with your situationship, you’re as happy as can be. However, the very second you part ways, you’re incredibly anxious because you are deeply aware of your precarious position in their life. This isn’t healthy for you to keep seeing someone who doesn’t see you as someone they want to date seriously.
4. Seeing their social media activity is upsetting to you.
For example, they haven’t replied to your text in six hours but are still able to watch all of your Instagram Stories first. Or they follow a bunch of beautiful people and are constantly liking and interacting with said beautiful people’s posts. If seeing their social media activity is upsetting to you, mute, block, or delete. It’s not worth your mental energy.
5. You’re reading this article.
If you’re even considering going no contact with your situationship for any reason, please know it is over and has been for a while. The second you start looking for signs are the signs in the first place. Let them go. You deserve someone who is sure about you.