10 People Reveal Whether They Regret Marrying The First Person They Dated
Helena Lopes

5 Concrete Signs He Loves You (But He’s Scared To Tell You)

Heā€™s always there for you, rain or shine.

This guy is like your very own superhero. No matter what youā€™re going through, heā€™s always there for you. Whether itā€™s a midnight ice cream run to cheer you up after a tough day or patiently listening to your endless rants about work, he never hesitates to make himself available. He may not be wearing a cape or leaping tall buildings, but heā€™s saving the day in his own unique way. You can always count on him to be your rock and your support system.

He remembers the little things.

You mentioned your favorite childhood candy in passing, and the next time you see him, heā€™s got a bag full of it. He surprises you with your favorite latte on a cold day or brings you the latest book by your favorite author. These small gestures show that heā€™s truly invested in getting to know you and cherishing every detail about you. His actions speak volumes about his feelings, and heā€™s trying to express his love in these heartfelt, thoughtful ways.

Heā€™s protective, but not overbearing.

When a man loves you, heā€™ll want to keep you safe and secure. This protective instinct might manifest in subtle ways, like making sure youā€™ve got a jacket when itā€™s cold or texting you to check if youā€™ve made it home safely. Itā€™s important to note that thereā€™s a fine line between being protective and being overbearing. If heā€™s respecting your boundaries and autonomy while still looking out for you, itā€™s a sign that heā€™s scared to tell you he loves you, but heā€™s definitely showing it.

He prioritizes your happiness.

Thereā€™s nothing quite like seeing the person you love happy, and if heā€™s head over heels for you, your happiness will be his top priority. Does he make an effort to cheer you up when youā€™re feeling down, or support you when youā€™re pursuing your goals? If heā€™s willing to put in the time and energy to ensure youā€™re happy and content, itā€™s a clear sign that he genuinely cares. Remember, love isnā€™t just about grand gestures ā€“ itā€™s also about those everyday moments of kindness and support.

Heā€™s eager to include you in his life.

From introducing you to his friends to inviting you to family gatherings, this guy is keen on making you an essential part of his world. Heā€™s always looking for ways to include you in his activities and interests. By welcoming you into his inner circle, heā€™s letting you know how much he values your presence in his life. Sharing these precious moments with you is his way of saying, ā€œYou matter to me.ā€