5 Birth Months Who Apologize Even When It’s Not Their Fault
Thought Catalog Agency

5 Birth Months Who Apologize, Even When It’s Not Their Fault

Some people automatically apologize whenever the smallest thing goes wrong, even if they’re not the one at fault. Even if the other person is the one to blame. Here are the birth months who apologize, even when it’s not their fault:


Since you never want to make anyone upset, you will apologize even when it’s not your fault, in order to make others feel better. You don’t want them to feel guilty about hurting you, so you will try to fix the conflict as quickly as possible. However, you need to remember that your emotions are valid. And if someone really cares about you, they aren’t going to blame you for your emotions. They are going to be happy you admitted how you were really feeling so they could fix the problem. But if you’re apologizing to them without telling them how you really feel, then the problem will never be solved.


Since you’re such a people-pleaser, you will apologize even when it’s not your fault. You will rush to fix the situation, even when it’s not your job to fix it. Remember, not everything is your fault. You have to stop assuming that you’ve done something wrong, that you deserve the unfair treatment you’ve received. If the other person messed up, it’s okay to say it. It’s okay to expect an apology. It’s not always up to you to mend a broken relationship or friendship. It takes two people to put in effort, not just one.


Since you’re an overthinker, you can twist any situation around to make it feel like your fault. That’s why you’re always apologizing, even when it’s not your fault. You’re always feeling like you could have done something to prevent the situation you’re stuck in, like you should have known better. However, you need to remember that you’re not in control of everything that happens to you. Some things are outside of your power. And if someone else messed up, don’t put that on yourself. Don’t convince yourself it’s your fault. It’s not. It’s theirs. 


Since you aren’t a fan of confrontation, you always want to diffuse stressful situations. You will apologize, even if it’s not your fault, in order to avoid an argument, in order to keep the peace and continue on with your day. However, you need to remember that not all confrontation is a bad thing. After all, if you voice what’s wrong, there’s a chance the situation will be fixed. But if you keep pretending you’re perfectly fine, you won’t see any changes. Things will remain exactly the same.


Sometimes, you apologize even when it’s not your fault because you don’t want to have a bad time. You want to keep the mood fun and lighthearted. So if the other person isn’t going to apologize, you’ll be the bigger person and smooth things over yourself. But you need to remember, you can’t always be in a happy go-lucky mood. You need to learn to be more comfortable with discomfort. Otherwise, you’ll end up accepting treatment you don’t deserve.