4 Zodiacs You Think Will Cheat (Who Are Actually Loyal)
You can’t determine whether or not someone will cheat on you based on their zodiac sign. Everyone is different, so you have to pay attention to the way they treat you. Although the zodiacs below might have a reputation for being untrustworthy, most of them are loyal. Here are some zodiacs you might expect to cheat but are surprisingly loyal:
Aries are known for being spontaneous and adventurous, so you might worry that they’ll cheat – but most Aries are surprisingly loyal. They would do anything for their loved ones. They are protective and persistent, not to mention brutally honest. If there’s a problem in the relationship, they are going to tell you. They won’t sneak behind your back because they want to have all their cards on the table. They want a relationship that’s built on trust. Aries are fearless, so they would rather say what’s really on their mind, even if it hurts, than live a lie, so you know that they aren’t bullshitting you.
Leos are known for loving attention, so you might worry that they’ll cheat – but most Leos are loyal to a fault. Once someone makes a home in their heart, that person isn’t going anywhere. Leos are driven, so even if the relationship isn’t going so well, they are going to put effort into rebuilding. And if the relationship isn’t working out, they aren’t cowardly enough to cheat. They would rather walk away from the relationship because they are unafraid of being single. Which means if a Leo is in a relationship with you, they want to be there. They care about you. They don’t want to hurt you.
Geminis are known for being fickle and having trouble making decisions, so you might worry that they’ll cheat – but most Geminis are honest and outspoken. They won’t tiptoe around your feelings or lie about where they’re going. They’re blunt about every aspect of their lives. This sign is passionate and loyal. Even though they’re social butterflies, there are only a select number of people they feel like they can trust. And if you’re one of these people, they aren’t going to betray you. They’re going to be there for you, no matter what. No questions asked. This sign isn’t afraid to stay single, so if they’ve agreed to be in a relationship, they are going to take their commitment seriously.
Libras are known for being flirtatious so you might worry that they’ll cheat – but most Libras take their commitments seriously. When they fall for someone, they would never dream of cheating on them. They believe in fairness and justice, and cheating is one of the most unfair things they could possibly do in a relationship. They don’t believe any partner deserves to go through that pain, so they would never subject someone to it. Plus, they are non-confrontational so the thought of getting caught would turn them right off. They would never want to risk it even if they weren’t morally opposed to the idea.