4 Zodiacs You Just Can’t Get Out Of Your Head
Leo just has this smile that radiates everything in the world you’ve ever wanted to be or be close to. They make it look effortless. Being that attractive, that confidant, that vulnerable and interesting and creative and captivating, and suddenly you’re running out of breath just trying to name it all for what it is. They’re the one you notice the second they walk into a room, and once they’ve left, no one else seems worth knowing. You wish you could bottle up the feeling of being around them. Of breathing the same air and hoping that maybe, just maybe, they will look your way or notice you or end up joining your group conversation. The hint of a possibility is more than you can comfortably handle.
Cancer is just so solid. Everything they say is so deep and mature and well-rounded and self-aware. They don’t judge anyone, let alone themselves, and you can tell immediately that everything they are is the result of hard work and lived experience. You immediately want to hear about every heartache and obstacle they’ve overcome, every book that inspired them, every childhood memory that motivates them. You want some of their character to rub off on you, like you could soak it up like a sponge in an attempt to get on their level, because what you find yourself wanting more than anything is to be the person they deem worthy of trust. The one they come to for a hug on a hard day.
Scorpio always knows something you don’t, always has a smirk on their face to show it. The way they look at you like you’re a potato chip they could pop right into their mouth without giving it a second thought terrifies you as much as it intrigues you. You want to know who they think they are, to be so damn cocky all of the time, just as much as you want to prove them wrong and give them a run for their money. You want to play their games, to beat them at it. To be a worthy opponent and rival. To push when they pull and speak in riddles and know that they are thinking of you too when it’s late at night and you both can’t sleep.
Capricorn is polished and pressed and smells impeccable and it just makes you, more than anything, want to ruffle them up a little bit. To see them at their most disheveled. When they first wake up in the morning. You want to penetrate their pristine, professional shells and dive deep into their most intimate thoughts and feelings. You want to know their wifi password and how they take their coffee. What they order for a hangover cure, and who their first love was. They are so neat and buttoned up, it makes you want their messy, their broken, their loose end of a sweater just begging to be pulled. Because what you want most is to be the one to unravel them.