4 Zodiacs With A New Beginning Just Around The Corner
Some new beginnings are outside of our control, Leo, but that doesn’t mean they can’t lead to great things. Whatever unexpected, inconvenient turn your life has taken is really a catalyst for some overdue change and transformation. You will be pushed outside of your comfort zone, like jumping headfirst into a cold pool, but once the initial shock wears off, you will be able to appreciate the serenity and clarity that comes with the experience. You will find yourself doing and thinking and saying things you never dreamed yourself capable of. You will become stronger, wiser, and more attuned to the way life moves around you every day, offering you little surprises and victories in the strangest of ways. You just have to zoom it all into focus.
The new beginning waiting around the corner from you, Taurus, is one of self-acceptance. You have been harboring voices of self-doubt, voices that you have internalized over the years, that don’t truly belong to you, and it’s time to listen to them a little clearer, in order to give credit where it is due. Whose voice is it you really hear when you tell yourself something is too hard, too crazy, too inaccessible? How is this voice holding you back from everything you really want to give a fair chance. Once you can separate this internal monologue from your own true thoughts and feelings, you can work past it and let your inner cheerleader take the lead. You have a lot more ‘si se puede’ vibes ready to shine than you realize.
Your new beginning is about finding the thing you are really, really good at Capricorn. You’ve been plodding along for some time now, working your ass off to live somewhere in the top third of whatever it is you do, but it doesn’t come easily, and you don’t feel passionate about it. You are secretly dying to be thrown into something so absurd and obscure just to shake up your routine, like furniture appraisal or hot air balloon piloting, and to let it take over your whole life. You want to be a natural at something for once in your life, unexpectedly, and allow it to imbue you with the confidence you’ve been missing all this time. This new beginning will awaken that version of you that’s been waiting to make its debut to the world.
Your new beginning is all about what you’re going to leave behind. The people, places, ideas, and ways of living that just aren’t serving you in a positive manner. You really can move on from the negative experiences that have been holding you back or dragging you down. That doesn’t mean you can wave a magic wand and make it so they never happened in the first place, but you can draw a line, turn a page, and set healthy boundaries that will allow you to take control of your own future, and where and how you go forward from here. When you sit behind the steering wheel of your own life, you can cruise off into the sunset toward better days. Roll down a window and enjoy the smell of freedom and self liberation.