4 Zodiacs Who Will Rediscover Who They Were In A Past Life
Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, the past has a way of maintaining a taut influence over us all, shaping our individual destiny as we navigate the present moment around us. As we grapple with the resonating effect the past has on us, we also uncover further information about who we are and what it is we hope to gain out of our current lives. Though many people might struggle to learn more about their previous lives, others are set to make significant revelations about their former incarnations this coming year, counterbalancing the uncertainties of the future with the illuminating lessons of the past.
You’re more than comfortable spending your free time in the safety and solitude of your home, Taurus. While most people (including yourself) might see this as an innocent enough characteristic, it might denote some powerful secrets about your prior self. Through careful meditation, you’ll be more in tune with your continually fluctuating emotions, helping you understand why you’re feeling a certain way – as well as whether you’ve felt these emotions in a previous iteration.
You harbor plenty of aspirations for the future, Virgo, working to achieve those ideal fantasies by the sweat of your brow and the skin of your teeth. As admirable as your work ethic is, your inherent perfectionism could be seen as a way to improve upon your prior past lives. Like a playable video game character restarting the beginning of a mission, you’re content to navigate through your current existence while committing as few mistakes as possible. Yet even then, your constant desire to experience life according to your own meticulous standards could hint at some unresolved issues from your past. Once you’ve fully realized what you’re running from, you’ll better understand what exactly you’re running to, capturing a semblance of peace that’s constantly eluded you in your past incarnations.
A perpetual student of the world, you express avid enthusiasm when it comes to pursuing any opportunities that capture your attention. Interestingly, this life-loving characteristic can be seen as an extension of your previous selves, right down to your desire to live life to its fullest potential. Just as adventure and opportunity breed experience, your courageous attitude goes hand in hand with the adventures you embarked upon in the preceding lives you once led.
As one of the most spiritual signs of the zodiac, you harbor an almost mystical connection with your previous iterations, Pisces, viewing the past as an epic novel still being written today. In your mind, nothing truly ever ends, with change a mere product of the universe’s endless ebb and flow. Reflecting on the deeper questions of existence, you’re offered prolonged glimpses into who you were in the past, helping you understand the profound mysteries that make up your everyday life (such as who you are, where you’re going, and whether you’ve experienced a specific life-altering event before in a past existence).