4 Zodiacs Facing Communication Struggles During Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius is officially here— just in time for the holiday season. That means we can expect all the typical symptoms of brain fog, travel delays and communication issues to boot. With any Mercury Retrograde it can be helpful to practice mindfulness. It’s not just some annoying 3 week period where the integral aspects of our everyday lives go haywire, but a chance to improve upon these things. A major theme of this one in Sagittarius, is integrating the details into the bigger picture. When the Messenger Planet goes offline, communication becomes a weak spot for the masses, however, there are 4 zodiac signs who will especially feel the frustration from November 25 – December 15— but they’ll also reap the benefits of what they learn.
With Mercury traveling backwards in your sign, your mind may be all over the place– even more so than usual. Unfortunately this means little blunders and sanfus when it comes to the art expression. At times it may even feel like you’re speaking a different language entirely, unable to reach understanding or resolve with the people around you. This can be a great time to review how effective your communication skills truly are. Not everyone has an imaginative and philosophical mind like you do. Simplifying your verbiage may prove to be helpful. You’re a big picture person, but this retrograde is teaching you the details are just as important. Overlooking them could land you in some hot water around December 4, especially where your close and personal relationships are concerned. At this time Mercury will be directly opposite from your ruler Jupiter, and the situation may have you reevaluating how you converse with those you deeply care for. Words can cross boundaries too, and you may be learning the true power of them. Perhaps you need to add a little more compassion to your speech and tone. These types of small details have a huge impact on the way you come across. Be gentle with yourself during this time. If the problem persists it will likely clear up around December 26, when Mercury re-initiates this alignment while moving forward.
Words are hard, and if you catch your mind running around in circles, Mercury Retrograde is the culprit. Your imagination will be rather active, causing you to be aloof and forgetful. From November 25-December 15 it’s all too easy to make common errors or come off as scattered. Since you’ll be prone to communication mishaps take your time when it comes to crafting important messages or written material. Rushing is never the answer, and you may get served a big lesson in patience and boundaries as Mercury makes a challenging alignment to discipline-oriented Saturn on December 6. This situation could teach how to quiet your mind, give your routine some structure and rearrange your priorities. Use caution and mindfulness when it comes to completing work or task, anything done in haste will just end up on your plate at a later date. During this time you may be learning how to set up the right environment. Make sure your space is clean and conducive for work and peace of mind. Techniques like leaving your phone in another room and aromatherapy for focus can help minimize distractions. Since there is a wide margin for miscommunication, it may be helpful to get into the habit of confirming that your messages are received and understood.
Mercury Retrograde may be messing with some of your devices! Yes, you’re likely to experience those infamous technological glitches— and they could impact plans and travel. Be smart by being prepared. This includes double confirming pick-up times and plans, along with making hardcopies of any documentation you may need. Do all you can to make the mishaps more manageable. It’s also not a bad idea to back-up your digital storage, or even replace any devices that are making communication more difficult, like your phone or computer. Speaking of the digital world, you’ll want to be a bit cautious about what you post online, particularly around December 4 as Mercury activates expansive Jupiter. It could open up a whole can of worms, with some trolls mixed in. Whether you accidentally share something private, or an opinion that receives harsh backlash, the consequences could leave a big mess to clean up. This is really about reviewing your relationship with technology and social media, maybe you don’t it need as much as you believe you do. As a sign who was put here to push the boundaries of others, the internal experience of Mercury Retrograde is having you reinstate your own.
There seems to be a disconnect, between you and everyone you’ve ever cared about. This is probably due to the fact that you have been particularly focused on your career. Don’t fall into the trap of believing you’re lonely, that couldn’t be further from the truth. However, making plans can feel like an insurmountable task, especially in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season on top of the retrograde. Keeping up with your relationships is quite overwhelming at the moment, but as Mercury sits opposite from growth oriented Jupiter on December 4 — you’re learning to balance it all. You may not get to see everyone you love face to face but scheduling a time to catch-up can be helpful. It’s just a matter of reaching out. Even so, it will feel like whatever you are trying to express or convey just isn’t landing. It’s okay, because you’re relearning how to relate. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself when it comes to reviving your social life, it will happen in time. Use this retrograde to tie-up any loose ends at work, so you can finally focus on friends and fun when the retrograde is over on December 15.