4 Zodiacs Who Will Find Comfort In Unexpected Places
Sometimes the worst case scenario becomes your source of comfort, Aries, because it eliminates the anxiety, anticipation, and fear. Once you’ve been fired or dumped or disqualified, you don’t have to continue to wait for the other shoe to drop. You can pick yourself up and figure out your next move. You can lick your wounds and process your feelings. You can be a real human being and not a two-dimensional character in a horror film you’ve scripted waiting for the boogie man to jump out of the closet. You can be the survivor, you can walk off into the sunset still standing and let the credits role. No matter how upsetting the experience, it’s going to take a lot more to bring you down.
Comfort is coming from a rival, Capricorn, from someone who makes your blood boil with pure loathing. The thing about the competition you’ve created is that it’s coming from a place of commonality between you two. You share a lot of the same qualities and interests and the same very intense drive to succeed. So when you hit a bump in the road, there is no one quite as primed to understand exactly how devastating that is for you. You’ll find that if the two of you put the same effort into supporting each other as you do tearing each other down, you can both get so much farther in the long run. Let go of your pride and accept this helping hand, no matter how unexpected it may be.
You will receive comfort from a person you thought could never be pleased. Someone who has been so demanding, so hard on you, you never expected they’ve been pushing you this hard because they’ve believed in you all along. When they see you truly struggling, they will temporarily take a softer approach to help you get back on track. This dropping of the mask will completely change how you see them and how you respond to their ‘tough love’ act in the future. Once you see it for what it truly is, it will become a guiding hand and a rallying cry. The people who take their time to help us get better, even if it isn’t all rainbows and butterflies, can inspire us to invest as much in ourselves.
You find comfort in your own criticism, Virgo. Reading through old notes or looking through old photographs, you’ll realize just how hard you have been on yourself. How you didn’t think you were doing enough, were making enough progress, but how in hindsight, you see how far past those arbitrary goal posts and standards you’ve come. What troubled you last year seems like a cakewalk today, and if that’s true, whatever is plaguing you in this moment can also become another scenario you overcome with poise, grace, and humility. There is no mountain too high for you to climb, no dream too big for you to conquer. The world is your oyster. Take a look at the pile of discarded shells you’ve accumulated. They are your trophies.