Edmond Dantès

4 Zodiacs Who Will Fight And Claw Their Way To Success


Virgo leaves no survivors in their wake when it comes to competition. There is no room for co-leads or co-captains, co-hosts or co-operation of any kind. Virgo has to take the gold and win it all. They don’t trust anyone enough to share the spotlight, because the risk isn’t worth losing the reward. They have been backstabbed and bamboozled, taken advantage of and disappointed too many times. They fight hard because they know if they don’t, someone else will. Someone won’t think twice about knocking them down and stepping all over them in order to win. So if the game is this cutthroat, you’d best believe Virgo is going to play that game so well no one can even come close to touching them.


Aries mantra is about never giving up. No matter how many points they’re down, no matter how bad the odds, no matter how beaten up they are, they keep going. They don’t ease up, they don’t let rage take over, they don’t let fear lead them to make mistakes. They pick themselves up and throw another punch, make another attempt, run another mile. Everyone around them thinks they’re insane, that they’ll never attain their goal, but that’s exactly why they will. The haters and the nay sayers are what keeps them going. Proving everyone wrong is the ultimate high for an Aries. They are the underdog who know how to make a comeback, time and time again, and they win everyone’s heart in the process.


Taurus is going to keep raising you at the poker table, and outbidding you in any auction because their boldness knows no limits. They will put everything they have on the line in the service of attaining their dreams. They just want it more than anyone else. They will spend their life savings, give up all their weekends, sell their childhood collectibles if it means a chance at what they’ve wanted most. They are the exceptions that go the extra mile and end up winning that coveted spot because of it. They know that gain requires pain and sacrifice and risk, and they’ll jump out of that plane without blinking to get it. Don’t ever make the mistake of assuming they are bluffing, because you’ll never recover.


Capricorn will do just about anything to succeed. They will take the unpaid internship, do the grunt work, be on call twenty-four seven, deal with the most absurd requests and demands, all for the chance to make one inches progress toward their goal. They don’t care what it takes, or how much it will take out of them, they are willing to put it all on the line for the chance to know what it feels like to reach that summit. They aren’t afraid of hard work, or doubting whether it will all be worth it. They have no doubt it will, and that’s the thought that keeps them going rain or shine, thick or thin. Once they have their minds set on something, they won’t stop until it’s within their reach.