4 Zodiacs Who Will Discover Their Hidden Talent In November
You’ve always seen yourself as a consumer, Taurus, a critic, not a creator. But that signature taste everyone is always consulting is simply raw talent, potential that is waiting to be harnessed. If you just give the thing you’ve been admiring for so long a try, you could blow everyone out of the water. Maybe you’re a reader who is just waiting to become a writer. A foodie a few knife skills away from becoming a cook. A closet organizer who really, really needs to scratch that itch and explore a career in fashion. You are more than just a wallet willing to pay for these things. You have ideas and thoughts to contribute to industries and spaces that have room for your unique point of view.
You have always felt things on a really deep, personal level, Pisces, but you only notice when it becomes a problem, ignoring all the times it’s actually your greatest asset. You see things in other people they may never notice even after years and years of therapy. You peel back their layers like an emotional onion, identifying their motives and fears, their passions and traumas, typically keeping this treasure trove of information to yourself without putting it to use. I’m not saying you should use this x-ray vision to put people on blast, but if you start to embrace this intuition as a life-skill, you could tap into all the ways it can help you connect and communicate, collaborate and create a community.
You have had to be so many things for yourself, Virgo, when other people weren’t there or available to support you, but what you haven’t quite realized, is the way you’ve become those very same things for other people in your life, whether they’re your best friends or mere acquaintances. You are the coach and mentor, cheerleader and nurse, wing person and co-conspirator. You pump people up with energy and confidence and it means all the more coming from someone as blunt as you, because everyone knows you’re not lying. You are the person people want to impress make proud, the person that motivates them when they’re struggling to find purpose. If you can do this for everyone else, don’t ever forget you did this for yourself first.
You’re shyer than people realize, Aquarius, because you come off as confident and secure, but they don’t realize those aren’t equivalents for thriving in the spotlight. Talking about politics in a coffee shop isn’t the same as delivering a speech, and giving your best friend a pep talk isn’t the same as being a self-help creator. What you don’t realize is that your ease in small, intimate settings is what draws people to you en masse. Everyone wants to listen to your quiet, calm demeanor and your insightful messages. You are a treasure trove of universal truths, and don’t even realize how valuable they are. You think because it’s not rocket science, it’s not serious, but the best-seller list isn’t full of books on rocket science, is it?