4 Zodiacs Who Try Way Too Hard To Please Others
Some zodiacs couldn’t care less what the rest of the world thinks. But then there are signs who care deeply about what their collogues, friends, and family have to say. Here are a few zodiacs who care a little too much about what others think of them:
Cancer, you pour most of your energy toward trying to please the people who matter the most to you. Even though your big heart is beautiful, and it’s wonderful that you are always willing to lend a helping hand, you need to stop trying so hard to please everyone else – especially when it means you’re sacrificing your own needs in the process. You deserve happiness too. You deserve peace too. You can’t take on everyone else’s problems. You can’t take on that much responsibility. Even though you love them, you need to step back sometimes. You need to give them a chance to make their own mistakes and solve their own problems.
Leo, even though you are fierce and independent, you still spend way too much time trying to please other people. Or more accurately, trying to impress other people. You want them to admire how hard you work and how far you’re willing to go for the people you care about the most. While your loyalty is one of your best qualities, you need to remember that your biggest loyalty should be to yourself. It’s okay to be a little selfish. It’s okay to do what is best for you. If you spend too much time trying to impress others instead of doing what you really want, you’re going to end up unhappy.
Pisces, your emotions are deeply intwined with the people you care about the most. That means their sadness becomes yours, and so does their happiness. But you can’t let the pressure to keep everyone content get to you. You need to remember that you are your own individual person, with your own hopes and dreams, your own wants and needs. The amount you care about others is beautiful, but you don’t want it to be your downfall. You don’t want to spend so much time focusing on their problems that you forget to tackle your own. You matter too. And you need to keep that in mind.
Libra, you cannot stand confrontation or drama of any kind, which is why you usually do whatever your family and friends ask of you. You never want to turn them down. You don’t want to cause them any trouble or make their life harder in any way, so you go out of your way to help out. However, you shouldn’t make a habit out of sacrificing your own time and energy to help them, especially when you never ask for any help in return. You have your own life to worry about. It’s great to lend a hand every once in a while, but if you’re constantly burning yourself out in order to please them, you’re doing yourself a disservice.