4 Zodiacs Who Trust A Little Too Easily
Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Trust A Little Too Easily

Some zodiacs are going to make you work for their trust. They aren’t going to let down their guard and open their heart until they’re sure that you are dependable. However, other signs are naturally trusting. They assume that people are good until they prove otherwise. Here are a few zodiacs who trust a little too easily and can get burnt in the end:


You see the best in everyone you meet and assume that this world is a beautiful, incredible place overall. You have a gentle, glass-half-full way of viewing the world, which can occasionally get you into trouble. Since you assume that everyone is telling you the truth, and that everyone has good intentions when they’re speaking with you, it’s easy for someone to manipulate you without you catching on. No matter how many red flags they show, you will take them at their word. You will trust that they’re being transparent with you. Although this is a beautiful thing that can open you up to true love, it can also lead you toward heartbreak when you fall for the wrong person.


You’re one of the most optimistic signs in the zodiac, which is why you’re always in a good mood. You have hope that everything is going to work out in the end, and that you can handle any curveballs that are thrown at you, so you don’t waste too much time worrying about what-ifs. Even though this can lead you to develop some strong connections, it can occasionally cause you to fall in with the wrong crowd. After all, since you assume everyone is as upfront and honest as you are, you never see their lies coming. You take a while to catch on when someone is out to hurt you.


You are an empath, so even when someone crosses a boundary and hurts your feelings, you are usually able to forgive them. You are able to see the situation from their side and understand why they made the decisions that they made. However, sometimes your kindness can be extended too far. Sometimes you give out more chances than others deserve. Since they know that you will go right back to trusting them, it’s easy for them to go right back to hurting you. They can take advantage of you, knowing that your soft heart is going to forgive them in the end. Although it’s wonderful that you’re able to see things from other points of view, you also have to stand your ground when someone really screws you over. They aren’t owed your forgiveness, just because they say sorry. 


You might be skeptical early on in a relationship, but once you get attached to someone, all of their flaws go out the window. You give your favorite people the benefit of the doubt all the time because you want them to be good people. You want to trust them. Even if they give you reasons to turn your back on them, you will stay loyal because that’s what’s in your nature. You never want to give up on someone who means something to you. You would rather give them one more chance. And another. And another. But there comes a point when you need to put your foot down and say enough is enough.