4 Zodiacs Who Should Rethink Old Romances This Summer
Summer is a season of vitality and growth, with the subdued tones of winter transforming into the vibrant hues of an awakening landscape. This sunny season offers a chance to embrace change and assess our personal development, as well as the bonds we share with those close to us. As the warm days unfold, it’s an ideal time to examine our connections, revisiting old friendships and perhaps reigniting past relationships that have faded over time.
For you, the start of a relationship is the most thrilling point in any romance. Fueled by passion, intimacy, and a consistent flirtatious rapport, this honeymoon phase is the main thing you’re looking for in a relationship, validating your emotional wants and physical needs. Once that period is, however, you tend to feel bored and stifled, causing you to drift away from your partner and end the romance before things have had time to settle. You have plenty to offer, Leo, and you’d do well to give serious monogamy a chance. As someone who loves companionship, having an ideal partner by your side through thick and thin will benefit you far more than any short-lived relationship.
Ruled by Venus–the planet of peace, love, and harmony–Libras are always willing to go the extra mile to make a relationship work. Possessing an idealized view of romance, you want someone who’s also ready to put in the work necessary for a healthy relationship, meeting you halfway in your own efforts. You desperately want love–you’re just not sure of who to be with. Take a chance, Libra, and put yourself out on a limb, reuniting with a former partner and reigniting the spark that might have gone out. You may feel anxious or have your doubts about the future, but so long as you’re happy in the present, you’re on the right path to a strong and meaningful romance together. (And that’s what matters most.)
More often than not, you’re attracted to what’s underneath the surface, specifically falling in love with personality or intelligence in lieu of physical characteristics. As someone who cares little for looks, you’re more interested in diving into a person’s life, discussing their family, their careers, their past pets, their best friend in middle school, etc. In your specific case, Scorpio, the more time passes since you’ve last seen someone, the better, allowing for plenty of new stories and developments to crop up in the meantime. If it’s been years since you’ve last spoken with that special someone in your life, don’t be afraid to give them a call–there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself falling in love with them all over again once you’ve heard what new events have shaped their lives in the interim.
A natural romantic at heart, you often find yourself seeing your ex-lover’s face in the most unexpected places. When you see a large body of water, you remember the first time you went to the beach together. When you see Halloween decorations, you reminisce about the last couples’ costume you wore together last year. Your mind has been on the past a lot lately, sending you subtle messages about your heart’s deepest desires. Rather than wallowing over what might have been, take steps to reconnect with this former significant other, Pisces, perhaps inviting this special someone out for a quick cup of coffee–just to catch up and see where things might lead you.